Straw Tower
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Brett of BC
A skyscraper made of straws

- straws
- scissors
- straight pins
- thimbles
- shoe box
- 100 pennies

1. Build a skyscraper that can hold a shoebox filled with 100 pennies.
2. You can only use straws and pins to build your skyscraper.
3. Pins can be very sharp, so make sure you get permission to use them, and make sure to use thimbles to help press the pins through.
4. Good luck!
How would you have to change your skyscrapers if you used something else, like tape, to connect the straws? Try it out, and if you come up with any cool designs, send them to ZOOM!
You can also send us your pictures or video of this ZOOMsci:
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Boston, MA 02134

Brandon, age 10 of Palmyra, ME wrote:
When I was doing the staw tower it looked kool. When I was done I put some books on it. I put 6 books then it crashed. Then I did it once more. It did not work but that time it had 7 books. The 1st time I tryed this I used very little tape then the 2nd time I put more tape on it. This is why I think it would hold more because the tape was strong the 2nd time. It was stronger the 2nd time and not that strong the first time.
Evelyn, age 6 of San Antonio, TX wrote:
We made a straw tower, but used no tape. It was pretty short, and square-shaped. We could balance books on it and the tower would bounce like jell-o. Sometimes the staws would roll away. The staws were like shock absorbers.
April, age 11 of Fountain Valley, CA wrote:
First it stayed up because it had a lot of support but then we took the support away and it fell.
May, age 14 of K.C., MO wrote:
I made mine really sturdy by using pottery clay, glue, and peanutbutter.
Sabrina, age 10 of Napoleon, MI wrote:
The straw tower was a awesome exsperiment. Me and my friend did it. My tower holded 10 books, hers holded 7.
Samantha, age 10 of Bergenfield, NJ wrote:
"It was cool! It was so fun. It kinda fell a couple times but then it worked! THANKS!
Brad, age 9 of Gilroy, CA wrote:
My structure passed the qualifing round but not 1st plase becase it callapst. Some straws brock it only heled 1 book. I wish I wode of won 1st but to my surprise I won 5th. I stll have a chans with the straw brige.
Nicole & Alyssa, age 9 of Gilroy, CA wrote:
Alyssa and I built a straw structure. We biult it by using triangular shapes with paper clips. It started to bend at the corners. It held eight books. Alyssa and I won and it was great!
Savannah & Vannesa of Gilroy, CA wrote:
We built it with 50 staws. The shape was a square. On the bottom did not hold. It was bending. It did not hold 100 penies. We tried it again but it did not hold. So we faced it there was no way we could fix it.
Stepanie, age 9 of Gilroy, CA wrote:
My Straw Tower was made out of 50 straws. My class and me test it and it hold 100 pennies! But it didn't hold not even a book, but me and someone got 6 place. The name of our Straw Tower was STAR. It was starding breaking when we berly put a book. Any way I'm happy about what happen with my Straw Tower.
Alicia, age 9 of Gilroy, CA wrote:
I'm going to tell you about the results of my straw tower. My straw tower could not hold one hundred pennies or any books. There were 3 or 4 straws that bented and my straw tower did not work. When I put books on my straw tower it fell down and bented. I used 50 straws. At least I won something.
Bobby, age 9 of Gilroy, CA wrote:
My structure was made from straws. Mine was like a cube. I had some straws in the middle. They were in a corner. It was breaking in the middle. A piece was too weak.
Brenda, age 9 of Gilroy, CA wrote:
I beld my straw tower with straws. Wen they did the first test a hold 100 penis the 2 test a hold 2 books and a fold that top.
Gayle of Gilroy, CA wrote:
I built my tower out of 50 straws and tape. I used a lot of triangles in the construction. It seemed very sturdy when I tested it with the shoebox and pennies. My tower tied with another structure, holding 4 books, but collapsed before the other structure on the third test. The supports on two corners bent first. I was surprised that the corners supported so much of the weight.
Matthew, age 10 of Gilroy, CA wrote:
I built a straw tower and it was called Mummy tower it held 4 books and it calapst at 5 books. We built it with 45 straws and we past the fist test with one-hundred pennies.