PBS KidsZOOMtooPrintable Activity PagesZOOMhome
fun stuff to do

Downloadable PDF files:

You'll need Adobe Systems' free Acrobat Reader software to view and print these activity sheets. You may already have this on your computer. If not, you can get Acrobat Reader from Adobe's Web site.

[ esp ] = Spanish version

After Image (60K) 
Air Lift (52K) 
[ esp ] Air Lift 
Backpack Challenge (108K) 
Balloon Car (64K) 
Bungee Jump (68K) 
Can Car (64K) 
Chromatography (56K) 
Color Splash (52K) 
[ esp ] Color Splash 
Cotton Ball Catapult  (56K) 
Cup Tower (80K) 
[ esp ] Cup Tower 
Drops on Pennies (60K) 
Electric Gelatin (56K) 
[ esp ] Electric Gelatin 
Film Canister Rocket  (72K) 
Flinker (64K) 
[ esp ] Flinker 
Flip Book (72K) 
Floating Paper Clip (56K) 
Fluids Chart (56K) 
Forces & Energy Chart  (100K) 
Glider (60K) 
Guess My Rule (64K) 
Gumdrop Dome (96K) 
[ esp ] Gumdrop Dome 
Hoop Glider (60K) 
Keep-a-Cube (60K) 
Magic Disk (60K) 
Marshmallow Tower (100K) 

Optical Illusions Chart  (80K) 
Paper Bridge (64K) 
[ esp ] Paper Bridge 
Paper Puzzle (84K) 
Paper Tower (68K) 
[ esp ] Paper Tower 
Patterns Chart (80K) 
Pencil Balance (56K) 
Pencil Challenge (56K) 
Phenakistoscope (64K) 
Polishing Pennies (68K) 
[ esp ] Polishing Pennies 
Puff Mobile (60K) 
Rain Stick (164K) 
Send it (44K) 
Sound Chart (56K) 
Spool Racer (68K) 
Squares and Rectangles  (64K) 
Stereo Hanger (56K) 
Straw Kazoo (52K) 
Structures Chart (56K) 
Super Sounding Drum (48K) 
Tangram (68K) 
Thaumatrope (64K) 
[ esp ] Thaumatrope 
Tower of Coins (84K) 
Water Filter (44K) 
ZOOM into Engineering

Printable activities from
the ZOOM kids site:

Most of these text-only ZOOM Web features are based on things from the show, and don't require Acrobat.

CafeZOOM recipes 
ZOOMdo arts & crafts 
ZOOMsci experiments 

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