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Fern's Poetry Club
Fern sitting and writing in her notebook A poem can be about anything -- pets, family, friends, things you like to do... anything at all. Send me your poem and I'll include it in my Poetry Club. Of course, I reserve the right to not include poems that do not adhere to my high standards of kid-friendly good taste. Also, please make sure that the poem you submit was written entirely by you. Go on and give it a try!
Poem Title:

Your Poem:

Optional Stuff:

Your first name:
Your age:

Your e-mail address:
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Please note: all submissions become the property of ARTHUR and will be eligible for inclusion in all media. This means we can share your poem with others on the Web, TV, print, and in other ARTHUR media.

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What's a poem? | Write a poem | Read more poems

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