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About the Site

1) "FAQ About Public Broadcasting." Corporation for Public Broadcasting Website. Available from http://www.cpb.org/pubcast.

2) "About PBS." Public Broadcasting System Website. Available from http://www.pbs.org/insidepbs/.

Are You Plugged In?

1) "Facts and Figures about our TV Habit." TV Turnoff Network Web site. Available from http://www.tvturnoff.org/images/facts&figs/factsheets/FactsFigs.pdf.

2) "Quick Facts About Video Game Consoles and Software." Interactive Digital Software Association Web site. Available from http://www.idsa.com/consolefacts.html.

3) "A Nation Online: How Americans are Expanding Their Use of the Internet." National Telecommunications and Administration Web site. Available from http://www.ntia.doc.gov/ntiahome/dn/anationonline2.pdf.

Banner Ad

1) The Anti-Spam Home Page, http://www.arachnoid.com/lutusp/antispam.html.

Be the Ad Detective

1) Sell & Spin: A History of Advertising. Produced by Sean P. Geary. 100 min. A&E Home Video, 1999. Videocassette.

2) Schaefer, David. "M's New Ballpark: Safeco Field." The Seattle Times, June 4, 1998.

3) Ferguson, Doug. "$100 Million Man: Woods Signs Groundbreaking Endorsement Deal." ABC News.com, September 15, 2000. Available from

4) "Taco Bell Partners with Microsoft to Give Consumers a Chance to Win a Free Xbox Before it Hits Retail Shelves." Collegiate Presswire, 19 October 2001. Available from http://www.cpwire.com/archive/2001/10/19/884.asp.

5) Thomaselli, Rich and Friedman, Wayne. "TV Sports Glut Sparks Fierce Ad Competition." ABC News.com, December 11, 2001. Available from http://www.adage.com/news.cms?newsId=33614.

Create a Pop Star

1) Albini, Steve. "The Problem with Music." Maximum Rock N' Roll #133. June 1994.

2) "Cost of a CD." Recording Industry Association of America Web site. 2003 [cited 4 August 2004]. Available from http://www.riaa.com/news/marketingdata/cost.asp.

3) "Gold and Platinum." Recording Industry Association of America Web site. 2003 [cited 4 August 2004]. Available from http://www.riaa.com/gp/default.asp.

4) Kauffman, Mathew. "Selling the Song, Or the Product?" Hartford Courant, 9 July 2003, p. E1.

5) Love, Courtney. "Letter to Recording Artists." Howstuffworks Web site. [cited 4 August 2004]. Available from http://entertainment.howstuffworks.com/framed.htm?parent=recording-contract.htm&url=http://www.mindspring.com/~gerryhem/piracy2.html.

6) "Merchants of Cool." Produced by Barak Goodman and Rachel Dretzin. Frontline. Public Broadcasting System. WGBH, Boston. 27 February 2001.

7) Money for Nothing: Behind the Business of Pop Music. Produced by Kembrew McLeod. DVD. Media Education Foundation, 2001.

Create Your Own Ad

1) Acuff, Dan S. The Psychology of Marketing to Kids: What Kids Buy and Why. New York: The Free Press, 1997.

2) "How to Create Your Own Print Ad." Adbusters Website. Available from http://adbusters.org/creativeresistance/spoofads/printad.

3) McNeal, James U. Kids As Customers: A Handbook of Marketing to Children. New York: Lexington Books, 1992.

4) Ogilvy, David. Confessions of An Advertising Man. Atheneum, 1989. Quoted in Baker, Frank, "Most Persuasive Words Used in Advertising." Media Literacy Clearinghouse Website.

5) Porter, Ingrid. "Reading Advertisements: A This Week EXTRA!" Newsweek Education Program Website. Available at

6) Schrank, Jeffrey. "The Language of Advertising Claims." University of Mississippi Website. Available from http://sunset.backbone.olemiss.edu/~egjbp/comp/ad-claims.html.

7) "Selling America's Kids: Commercial Pressures on Kids of the 90's." Consumers Union Website.

Design a Cereal Box

1) "Color Symbolism." In Web Design (online database) by Jean Kaiser. Available from http://webdesign.about.com/library/weekly/aa070400c.html and http://www.weprintcolor.com/usingcolour2.htm.

2) Bruce, Scott and Crawford Bill, Cerealizing America: The Unsweetened Story of American Breakfast Cereal. London, WC1N3AU: Faber and Faber, 1995.

Hot or Snot: Did it Sell?

1) Allen, Frederick. Secret Formula: How Brilliant Marketing and Relentless Salesmanship made Coca-Cola the Best-Known Product in the World. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, Inc., 1994, 406, 411, 415.

2) Stoddard, Bob. Pepsi-Cola: 100 Years. Los Angeles: General Publishing Group, Inc., 1997, 181, 196.

3) Menard, Valerie. Ricky Martin: A Real-Life Reader Biography. Childs, Maryland: Mitchell Lane Publishers, Inc., 2000, 10-12.

4) MDO.org [Web site]. 1998-2001.

5) Boucher, Jeff. "Encore for NSYNC." Los Angeles Times, December 29, 2001. Available from http://www.latimes.com.

6) "Pet Rocks." Super70s.com, 2001. Available from http://www.super70s.com/Super70s/Culture/Fads/Pet_Rocks.asp.

7) Bellis, Mary. "The History of Scooters." About.com, 2002. Available from http://inventors.about.com/library/inventors/blscooter.htm.

8) "Whose Line Is It, Anyway?" The Advisor, Intermute, Inc., October 2001. Available from http://www.adsubtract.com/advisor/october01/content/feature1.html.

9) Zazza, Frank. "From "E.T." to iTVX: The Future of Interactive Product Placement." ITVX.com, undated. Available from http://www.itvx.com/SpecialReport.asp.

10) Gorenfeld, John and Lois Gorenfeld. "Raging Video Game Remakes." Inksyndicate.com, ca. 2001. Available from http://www.inksyndicate.com/remakes.htm.

11) "E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (Game advertisement)." Newkidco International Inc., 2001. Available from http://www.newkidco.com/et_extraterrestrial_gba.html.

12) "The Videogame Timeline." Net4TV Corporation, May 28, 2001. Available from http://net4tv.com/voice/story.cfm?storyid=3743.

13) "E.T. The Extraterrestrial (Game review)." Ziff Davis Media Inc. and GX Media, 2001. Available from http://www.gamers.com/game/28788.

14) Kay, Jonathan. "The Worst Video Games of All Time." Myvideogames.com, April 8, 2001. Available from http://www.myvideogames.com/features/feature60.asp.

15) Bssteph. "E.T.: The Extra Terrestrial: Someone Help Me! My Brain is Try to Escape." Bssteph.net, December 15, 2000.

16) "Simon." Super70s.com, 2001. Available from http://www.super70s.com/Super70s/Culture/Toys/Simon.asp.

Is the Price Right?

1) "Price Make-up of a US$ 100 Sport Shoe."
Clean Clothes Campaign Web site. Available from http://www.cleanclothes.org/campaign/shoe.htm.

2) "Mean Jeans." Clean Clothes Campaign Web site. Available from http://www.cleanclothes.org/publications/jeans.htm.

3) "Is Bottled Water Worth the Price?" Detroit Free Press, May 19, 1998. Available from http://www.freep.com/news/health/qwater19.htm.

4) Howard, Brian. "What's In Your Bottled Water?" Hartford Advocate, August 28, 2003. Available from http://www.hartfordadvocate.com/gbase/News/content.html?oid=oid:30865.

5) "Bottled Water: Pure Drink or Pure Hype?" Natural Resources Defense Council Web site. Available from http://www.nrdc.org/water/drinking/nbw.asp.

6) Schlosser, Eric. Fast Food Nation. New York: Perennial, 2002, 54.

Money and Music

1) Britney Inks Pepsi Deal." MTV.com Website. 7 February 2001. Available from http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1439139/20010207/story.jhtml.

2) "Over a Century of Cola Slogans, Commercials, Blunders and Coups," The Cola Wars Website. Available from http://www.geocities.com/colacentury/.

3) Leland, John. "For Rock Bands, Selling Out Isn't What it Used to Be," New York Times, 11 March 2001.

4) McLaren, Carrie. "Why Popular Music Really Does Suck," Matador Records Website. Available from http://www.matadorrecords.com/escandalo/7/rick.html.

5) "The Media Business: Advertising; Forget Jingles. Viewers Prefer Familiar Tunes in Commercials." Advertising Educational Foundation Website. Available at http://www.aef.com/channel.asp?ChannelID=7&DocID=1325&location=Trends.

6) "Merchants of Cool," Frontline. Produced by Barak Goodman and Rachel Dretzin. Public Broadcasting System, 27 February 2001.

7) "Moby Declines Ad Requests." Burnitblue.com Website. 14 June 2002.

TV vs. Real Life Quiz

1) Carpenter, Michael J. "Highest Degree: Why Cops Should Go to College." In APBnews.com [electronic news journal]. New York: APBnews.com, 4 February 2000. Available from http://www.apbonline.com/cjprofessionals/behindthebadge/carpenter/2000/02/04/carpenter0204_01.html.

2) Axelrod, Lauryn. TV-Proof Your Kids: A Parent's Guide to Safe and Healthy Viewing. Secaucus, NJ: Carol Publishing Group, 1997, 82, 87, 89, 109.

3) State of California Division of Labor Standards Enforcement. California Labor Code. Sacramento, CA. Available from: http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/. Part 4, Chapter 2, Article 2 and Part 4, Chapter 2, Article 2.

4) DeGaetano, Gloria and Kathleen Bander. Screen Smarts: A Family Guide to Media Literacy. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1996, 117.

5) U.S. Department of Commerce. Profiles of General Demographic Characteristics: 2000 Census of Population and Housing. Washington D.C.: United States Census Bureau, 2000, 3. Available from http://www.census.gov/prod/cen2000/dp1/2kh00.pdf.

6) U.S. Department of Commerce. Census Brief CENBR/97-5, Issued December 1997. Washington D.C.: United States Census Bureau, 1997. Available from http://www.census.gov/prod/3/97pubs/cenbr975.pdf.

What's in an Ad? Take a Closer Look

1) "Philip Morris and Targeting Kids." In The National Center for Tobacco Free Kids. January 2, 2002. Available from http://tobaccofreekids.org/research/factsheets/.

What's in the Shopping Bag?

1) "Titanium Dioxide" [database online] Chemexpo: Chemical Profile [cited 8 September 1997]

2) "Toy Ad-Tricks." Consumer Reports Online 4 Kids. Available from http://www.zillions.org/Features/Toyadtricks/toyad001.html.

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