Jamie Wheeler
Age 19
Reel Grrls, 911 Media Arts Center
"Reel Grrls" is a special program of 911 Media Arts Center in partnership with Seattle's Metrocenter YMCA and KCTS/Seattle Public Television. This program teaches teenage girls to become critical television viewers and producers of their own media. Participants are given the tools to express themselves artistically and use these tools to create videos that counteract negative images of women in the media.
Jamie Wheeler participated in the Reel Grrls project a few years ago and stayed on with the program for six months. After helping out with many Reel Grrls projects, Jamie became a mentor for young women entering the program, and she helps them learn to use their voices and creativity in media literacy activism. Jamie believes that being involved in the world of media is one of the best ways to bring about change, especially in the representation of women.
For more information on Reel Grrls, please visit http://www.911media.org/youth/reelgrrls.html