Got ‘Bots?
Robots aren’t just for Sci-Fi movies anymore! Let DFTV take you on a robotics tour. Check out these Top Robot investigations:
- DFTV ocean investigators Chris, Cory, Nikki, and Bruce get to the bottom of things with their ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle). Their question: What can our ROV tell us about the health of a coral reef?
- Robot aficionado Karl builds awesome robots including the truly fearsome TurboGnome! Karl competes in ‘bot battles. He wonders: How could I build more effective weapons for my robot?
Meet Robotic Soccer Scientist Manuela Veloso, NASA JPL Researcher Lloyd French, Robotic Research Engineer Ayanna Howard, and Research Scientist Una-May O’Reilly. These super Real Scientists are bonafide robot whizzes!
Check out DFTV’s fantabulous ROV a Fly Sci Game that’ll have you cruising a coral reef, taking pictures of the underwater ecosystem. Say cheese little fishy!
Message Board Mania
- Want to talk 'bots? Visit the new Robot Buzz board to join in the fun.
- Have you worked with Lego Mindstorms kits or been involved with FIRST Lego League? Tell us all about it on DFTV’s Lego Robot board.
Take the DFTV poll!
Many robots are designed to do tasks that are unsafe, difficult, or just plain boring for people to do themselves. If you could design your own personal robot, what would you have it do?