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technology and invention

Lego Robots

Ethan, MS | Lego Robots
Lego robots are easier to build than the robots with the wires and metal parts.

Trent, MS | Lego Robots
Do you know Spyro

VanadiumSteel, | Lego Robots
LEGO robots, I think, have little cables in the pieces and you have to put them together right. I wonder how you get the peices.

Bobcat, TX | Lego Robots
Hey who needs REAL robots when you have star wars battlefront.

tobi22, NY | Lego Robots
we want to build robots with real material like metal and iron i am sick and tired of using lego or having an adult help us! P.S. Conan, TX you know too much

tristan, IN | Lego Robots
HI GES WAHT I gust got done wath some of my lego Indiana jones toy.

Sammy, TX | Lego Robots
Hey, I am trying to make a Lego Robot now. Thanks Vincent for the parts!

lin, | Lego Robots
please help me i need this for our assignment on robotics... what are the parts of a lego robot?? pls... thank you

Husain, IL | Lego Robots
I have been taking lego robotic classes for 2-3 years and have a set. I can make any robot I want and program it to do stuff.

Jake, MN | Lego Robots
Sorry, it's like I'm a genius. Mindstorms. I know that's a Lego brand. ( Apparently, I am a Lego genius too.) It's ' I am an identicle twin.' Not 'a'. I am 10.

qaxz13, OR | Lego Robots
what did you do with your lego Indiana Jones toys?

Michael, OR | Lego Robots
I have a lego NXT team and its awesome. We almost got to the state championship!

Emma Sweet, OR | Lego Robots
HI,I realy like watching DRAGONFLY TV! I am a identicle twin.MY sister and I are both ten and we have a little sister. I am working on a lego car with six wheels!ON Saturday, our grandparents came.There is a track meet today! YOUR NUMBER 1# FAN,Emma Sweet

quadasia, NJ | Lego Robots
how to bulid a 3d house made of card board

dylan., AZ | Lego Robots
how do you make a robot out of metal

alex, NY | Lego Robots
I have a paper robo-t. It has a bucket.

lynn, MA | Lego Robots
is it easy to build lego robots?

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Lego Robots
Robot Buzz

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