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GPS: Museum of the Rockies

location, location, location
The Museum of the Rockies (MOR) is located on the south side of the Montana State University campus in Bozeman, Montana.

what’s to see and do?
If you're dino crazy, this museum is for you. The MOR is home to the largest collection of dinosaur fossils in the United States and the world's largest T-Rex skull! Other features include the Mesozoic Media Center, which brings the research of world-famous paleontologist Jack Horner and the museum's Paleontology Department to the your fingertips, and a state-of-the-art planetarium. If you're visiting during the summertime, be sure to check out the Living History Farm and Lewis & Clark Challenge Course, popular outdoor exhibits.

just for kids
There's no shortage of things for kid activities at this museum. The Kids' Monthly Science Series lets you dig into a good-sized project, such as the Robotic Lego session, during multiple visits to the museum. Also check out the museum's Kids Only! events (no grown-ups allowed!) and Family Programs (OK, parents can come along...). Both series offer a variety of interesting science programs that change regularly. During summer months, MOR hosts camps including: Archaeology Camp, Dinosaur Camp, King Tut Camp, Space Camp, and Astronomy Campout. FUN!

visit from home
Check out the Museum of the Rockies online at museumoftherockies.org. Don't miss their new paleontology section: www.museumoftherockies.org/paleo

more resources
Go to the DFTV Boards and tell us about your science center visit.
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What is Yellowstone National Park sitting on?

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