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GPS: North Carolina Museum of Life and Science

location, location, location
This picturesque museum is in Durham, North Carolina.

what’s to see and do?
A must-see is the museum's brand new Explore the Wild exhibit, featuring six acres of animals--including black bears, red wolves, and three kinds of lemurs! Smaller critters can be found in the Magic Wings Butterfly House or the CropScience Insectarium. Go even further a field in the Aerospace exhibit, where you can discover what it takes to go to the moon and back by climbing into an Apollo command module test vehicle, seeing what you would wear and eat on your mission, and launching a Space Shuttle model. In the Weather exhibit, you can sculpt sand dunes, play in a 15-foot-high tornado, create cloud formations, shape ocean currents, and view real-time satellite weather images. Need a break? Take a ride on the Ellerbee Creek Railway--and don't forget to scream your head off in the tunnel!

just for kids
The Museum of Life and Science hosts Summer Science Camps, Girls Scout Badge Workshops, themed birthday parties, and Small Science, an interactive area just for visitors age 7 or younger and their caregivers. They also offer a rotating roster of daily programs ranging from snake and alligator feedings to butterfly and insect releases. Check the website to see what's scheduled on the day you visit.

visit from home
Check out the museum online at www.ncmls.org

more resources
Go to the DFTV Boards and tell us about your science center visit.
whiz quiz
Winston-Salem is home to the prototype for what famous New York landmark?

dragonflytv PBS Kids Go!