tyler gray, FL | Computers
hi everyone im back me tyler gray with some great news! i just invented this new harddrive that talks to you ! if you havent seen or purchesed it yet plz just type me a message on the message board here at envetion and technology and just go to computers.thnx everyone see ya later,and merry christmas to everyone who reads this message.and if you reach me now you will get a message.byeeeeeeeeeeee
Lauren, FL | Computers
Computers Rule! I love them you can play games and do all kinds of things!
Zac, CO | Computers
I am estatic! I am around other computer nerds(it's a compliment), and it is an okay site! WOOOOOT!!!
Scoom, BC | Computers
Computers can too make robots. My dad did it last year with a garden hose for an arm.
tyshanus, LA | Computers
what is an invention or improvement for a fifth grader,me,11 year old to make
LEO, CA | Computers
As I said in my last post,COMPUTERS CANNOT BE MADE INTO ROBOTS!!!!!!! Although, LEGO has developed tech called MINDSTORM, where you make a robot with a computer-like device in it. BYE BYE! LEO
mindy, MI | Computers
I thing that computers help you with your work and all kids should have one at their school. The school should have a class after school for kids to play on not the computers at the library because people don't have the money to get their kids a library card.
Science is the subject that uses the computers the most in our school.
Harrison, OR | Computers
Dear Dragonfly TV and Twin Cities Public Television, Your web site for Dragonfly TV is fantastic. I try to come to your web site often. Hope you're doing well.
davidson, MA | Computers
computers can make robots.
wyatt, SK | Computers
computers are cool! '
Noah, MN | Computers
My computer is great!
Anna, FL | Computers
Guess what? I'm learning HTML!
Caroline, SC | Computers
I love making inventions and now that I found this website I am able to find more things either that I did also or they did.
oko, PA | Computers
computers are great! my computer runs on windows 98 and it works really weird!
Devin, IL | Computers
I want to make video games
Ilana, IL | Computers
I LOVE playing computer! Computers can do anything! You can play games, you can get information, and lots more. The computer is a great invention!
josh, CA | Computers
how does a computer crash
sydney, MI | Computers
i like to use computers
wilde, TX | Computers
think, what if computers could do it all..............
The Computer Kid, CA | Computers
Muhaimen, I completely disagree with you. People should never stop learning. ~~~ MomE, It depends on what Instant Messenger your daughter is using, but it probably is already saving the logs to a directory. Search the web for instructions for your daughter's messenger (AIM, WLM, Yahoo!, etc.). ~~~~ Jerry, You need to learn how to program, their are a variety of languages. These languages tell the computer how to work. I recommend Python, because it is cross-platfrom compaitable (Linux, XP, Vista, Mac, etc.). It is also very easy to learn and very extendable. To produce pure executables you will have to learn a compiled language such as C++. ~~~~ Madde, You create a website in a variety of ways. If your website is not meant to be interactive, you just need to learn HTML. Give it a Google. For more interaction use Javascript. If you wish to have a database and login mechanism for your site I would use PHP and MySQL. ~~~~ Carly, You need a host to put these HTML pages up on. Freewebs and Geocities aren't that great, but they are free. ~~~~
albert, NY | Computers
i am asking for the uses and applications of computer but i can't find it.i want a clear explanation regarding in my research.for example - computer as calculator,as microwave and many.pls give me now the information.
Chance, MD | Computers
A lot of people have been calling the new XP, well... ... the new XP. It's called Microsoft Windows Vista and yes It has been realeased.
Friend, GA | Computers
How do you make a site?
Capri, IL | Computers
I made five websites!!!
aliciab, NY | Computers
Computer's work a lot lol b