Download Download SciGirls en Español Activity Guides | Download SciGirls, Volume 2, Activity Guides | Download SciGirls, Volume 1, Activity Guides
Throughout its seven seasons, DragonflyTV has become a unique showcase for girls in science. Tokenism is out and inclusiveness is in at DragonflyTV: girls are featured throughout our broadcasts, outreach materials, and Web site. In fact, over half of the DragonflyTV kid scientists are girls.
Because of our commitment to increasing girls' science literacy and interest, DragonflyTV created SciGirls. DragonflyTV SciGirls is a collaborative program funded by the National Science Foundation that empowers PBS outreach professionals and science museum educators-often partnering with local youth organizations, educators and parents-to deliver hands-on science encouragement and career guidance to girls in their communities. SciGirls is based on existing standards-based DragonflyTV outreach resources, which teach the process of full inquiry.
SciGirls will empower your girls to ask questions, communicate, and encourage one another. This project supports collaborative, tactile learning, setting girls on the "science fast track" toward improved critical thinking skills, enhanced problem solving abilities, and ultimately, career success. We at DragonflyTV thank both the National Science Foundation and you for sharing the SciGirls program with your community.
Download SciGirls en Español Activity Guides
Requiere Adobe Acrobat Reader gratuito | Requires Free Adobe Acrobat ReaderSciGirls en Español Indice |Table of Contents [PDF, 1.3 Mb]
¡Bienvenidos a SciGirls en Español! | Welcome to SciGirls en Español [PDF, 981 kb]
Elementos para la Indagación Científica Estilo SciGirls | Science Inquiry Elements, SciGirls-style [PDF, 1.3 Mb kb]
Utilizando los Recursos de SciGirls | Using the SciGirls Resources [PDF, 971 kb]
Investigación en Apoyo de SciGirls | Research in Support of SciGirls [PDF, 917 kb]
Humedales | Wetlands [PDF, 1.2 Mb]
¿Qué plantas y animales viven cerca de nosotros? | What plants and animals live nearby?
Golondrinas de Cueva| Cave Swallows [PDF, 1.2 Mb]
¿Qué hacen las aves? | What Do Birds Do?
| Pronóstico del Tiempo | Forecasting [PDF, 1.5 Mb]
¿Qué tan acertado es el folclore para pronosticar el tiempo? | How accurate is old-school folklore in predicting the weather?
Diseño de Caseta
para Perro | Doghouse Design [PDF, 1 Mb]
¿Cómo podemos construir una caseta fresca para perro? | How can we build a cool doghouse?
La Música y el Sonido | Music and Sound [PDF, 1.1 Mb]
¿Cómo podemos hacer nuestra
propia música? | How can we make our own music?
Cometas | Kites [PDF, 1.1 Mb]
¿Qué efecto tiene la forma de la cometa sobre su desempeño en el aire? | How does the shape of a kite affect its performance in the air?
Salto con Dos Cuerdas | Double Dutch [PDF, 1.1 Mb]
¿Qué es más importante: ver la cuerda o escuchar su ritmo? | What's more important: seeing the rope or hearing it?
Sonidos Extremos | Extreme Sounds [PDF, 1.5 Mb]
¿Cuáles son los sonidos más ruidosos en mi ciudad? | Where are the loudest sounds in my city?
Dinosaurios | Dinosaurs [PDF, 1.4 Mb]
¿Cómo los esqueletos de animales nos ayudan a determinar qué animales viven juntos en un ecosistema? | How can animal skeletons help us determine what kinds of animals live together in an ecosystem?
Pantanos | Bogs [PDF, 1.1 Mb]
Ve afuera y observa cómo diferentes materiales se descomponen (¡o no!) al enterrarse. | Get outside and observe how different materials decompose (or don't!) when buried.
Maquillaje | Makeup [PDF, 443 kb]
¿Cómo podemos crear aún mejores fórmulas de brillo labial? | How can we create even better lip gloss formulas?
El Ejercicio y la Memoria | Excercise and Memory [PDF, 1.1 Mb]
¿Que efecto tiene el ejercicio sobre nuestra memoria a corto plazo? | What affect does exercise have on your short term memory?
Bosque Lluvioso
Templado | Temperate Rain Forest [PDF, 1 Mb]
Examina los discos de tronco de árbol para determinar la tasa de crecimiento de los árboles. | What do tree rounds reveal about growth rates?
Glaciares | Glaciers [PDF, 1 Mb]
Sin importar donde vivas, con esta actividad puedes explorar los factores que hacen que los glaciares se derritan. | What factors affect how glaciers melt?
SciGirls Hoja de Trabajo | SciGirls Worksheets [PDF, 850 kb]
Perfiles de Científicos | Scientist Profiles [PDF, 1.4 Mb]
Correlación con los Estándares de Educación de la Ciencia Nacional | Correlation with National Science Education Standards [PDF, 1.4 Mb]
Download SciGirls, Volume 2, Activity Guides
Requires Free Adobe Acrobat ReaderSciGirls Table of Contents [PDF, 222 kb]
What people are saying about SciGirls [PDF, 82 kb]
Welcome to SciGirls, Volume 2 [PDF, 151 kb]
Science Inquiry Elements [PDF, 338 kb]
Using the SciGirls Resources [PDF, 200 kb]
Research in Support of SciGirls [PDF, 274 kb]
SciGirls Activity 1: Bogs [PDF, 524 kb]
Decide which material is the real Super Soaker!
SciGirls Activity 2: Dinosaurs [PDF, 467 kb]
Use this activity to model how paleontologists estimate the age of fossil discoveries.
SciGirls Activity 3: California Fish [PDF, 510 kb]
Take a dive with this simple Cartesian Diver activity!
SciGirls Activity 4: Music and Sound [PDF, 485 kb]
Make an oboe orchestra!
SciGirls Activity 5: Luge [PDF, 500 kb]
Create an uplifting experience with this balloon hovercraft!
SciGirls Activity 6: Doghouse Design [PDF, 463 kb]
Demonstrate thermal conductivity with this Conduction Countdown!
SciGirls Activity 7: Earthquakes [PDF, 548 kb]
There's more than meets the eye to this sand activity.
SciGirls Activity 8: Animal Ears [PDF, 468 kb]
Observe how an animal responds to its own reflection.
SciGirls Activity 9: Double Dutch [PDF, 470 kb]
Experiment with a twirling rope!
SciGirls Activity 10: Tug-of-War [PDF, 499 kb]
Discover how to build a paper bridge with surprising strength!
SciGirls Activity 11: Soccer Kicks [PDF, 443 kb]
Explore relationships between mass and momentum in this fun ball-bouncing activity!
SciGirls Activity 12: Forensic Science [PDF, 583 kb]
Observe how the appearance of ink changes when viewed by an infrared camera!
SciGirls Activity 13: Rabbits [PDF, 460 kb]
Visit a zoo, aquarium, or pet shop to do this fishy observation!
SciGirls Activity 14: Microgravity [PDF, 457 kb]
Explode the myth of falling peanut butter sandwiches with this weighty experiment!
SciGirls Worksheets [PDF, 74 kb]
Scientist Profiles [PDF, 283 kb]
Download SciGirls, Volume 1, Activity Guides
Requires Free Adobe Acrobat ReaderSciGirls Welcome Guide [PDF, 1 MB]
SciGirls Activity 1: Wild Water! [PDF, 478 kb]
Find out what makes an exciting water park ride.
SciGirls Activity 2: Wacky Weather! [PDF, 656k]
Investigate traditional "folk" methods of forecasting.
SciGirls Activity 3: Rollin' Robots! [PDF, 487 kb]
Build engineering skills by designing, modifying, and testing a robot.
SciGirls Activity 4: Workin' Out! [PDF, 489 kb]
Find out what happens to your brain when you exercise.
SciGirls Activity 5: Let's Get Loud! [PDF, 504 kb]
How loud is loud? Explore the noisiest spots in your city.
SciGirls Activity 6: Play With Sand! [PDF, 467 kb]
Discover how plants survive (and thrive!) in seaside sand dunes.
SciGirls Activity 7: Right or Left?! [PDF, 508 kb]
Find out if your pets are left or right "pawed."
SciGirls Activity 8: Ridin' On Air! [PDF, 762 kb]
Here's how to build your own hovercraft.
SciGirls Activity 9: Slap Shot! [PDF, 483 kb]
Flex your muscles with this hockey stick investigation.
SciGirls Activity 10: Hip-Hop Frogs! [PDF, 475 kb]
Jump into a backyard biology inquiry.
SciGirls Activity 11: Doggone It! [PDF, 404 kb]
Find out if dogs are color blind.
SciGirls Activity 12: Anchors Aweigh! [PDF, 461 kb]
Make a boat you can ride in out of milk cartons!
SciGirls Activity 13: Lift Off! [PDF, 467 kb]
Blast off with this NASA-inspired experiment.
SciGirls Activity 14: High Flyers! [PDF, 490 kb]
Try out some cool, competitive kite designs.
SciGirls Worksheets [PDF, 145 kb]
SciGirls Graphs [PDF, 876 kb]
Scientist Profile Index [PDF, 325 kb]