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Animal Scent

Paige and Nick at the zoo We're Paige and Nick. A recent trip to the Animal Grossology exhibit at the Science Museum of Minnesota really got us thinking about how animals use scent for a lot of different purposes-to identify each other, find a mate, mark their territory, and defend themselves. So we wondered: What smells good to animals?

How would you investigate this question?
Animal investigations require lots of observation time. Think about behaviors you can observe in an animal that might give you some idea how the animal responds to different smells. Since the animal is not going to say "Yummy!" or "Gross!", how will you determine what the animal's response to a smell means? Describe your investigation in your notebook and discuss it with your teacher, or go to Animal Scent to learn what Paige and Nick discovered.

dragonflytv PBS Kids Go! dare to investigate together!