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Body Electricity

Rylee with motorcycle helmet I'm Rylee. My friend Kristin and I went to The Bakken Museum in Minneapolis. This place focuses on electricity and the human body. It's of special interest to me, because I use a myoelectric prosthetic arm. My arm works with electrodes, which sense electrical signals in my muscles. I want to know: how do the electrical signals in my body help my arm work?

How would you investigate this question?
You maybe haven't thought of measuring your body's natural electricity before, or even what tools you might need to do that! Let your imagination go wild for a moment, and at least think of what kinds of things you'd want to measure about your muscles and electricity, even if you're not sure if you have the tools for it. Are you interest in the size of a person's muscles, or how much the person can lift? Maybe you're more interested in how quickly a person can react with his or her muscles. Describe your investigation in your notebook and discuss it with your teacher, or go to Body Electricity to learn what Rylee and Kristin discovered.

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