
DragonflyTV has gone global! We're Mickey and Caroline, and we're at the Cheetah Conservation Fund, located in Otjiwarongo, Namibia. We're working with Dr. Laurie Marker, who told us that the Fund protects cheetahs that were either orphaned when their mothers were killed or captured by farmers to protect their herds. We wanted to learn even more about these big cats and how they thrive in their natural habitat, so we asked the DragonflyTV question: How do the numbers of prey animals change throughout the day?
How Would You Investigate This Question?
What does life look like for an average African cheetah? What do these creatures eat, and how do they hunt or gather their food? When do they sleep, and how do they interact with one another? What kind of plant and animal life is featured in their natural habitat? Once you learn a little bit about a day in the life of a cheetah, think specifically about their dining habits and tackle the DragonflyTV question. Write your ideas in your notebook and discuss them with your classmates and your teacher. Then watch the video segment, or go to Cheetahs to find out more about Mickey and Caroline's African adventure.