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leighanne with snake We're LeighAnne and Carmen, and we think snakes make perfect pets. Snakes have a super-strong sense of smell and they actually sniff with their tongues. If they smell anything yummy on us they'll think we're lunch! That's why we wash our hands before and after handling our pets. This got us thinking: Can you tell what food a snake craves by the way it flicks its tongue? We tested the sense of smell of some of the snakes at the pet store where LeighAnne works. How do you think the snakes responded?

How would you investigate this question?
Think about the sorts of prey snakes hunt down. How would you make sure the snakes were detecting the smell of prey instead of just seeing it? Would a snake be interested in human food? What would you look for to decide whether the snake smells something it wants to eat? Describe your investigation in your notebook and discuss it with your teacher, or go to Snakes to learn what LeighAnne and Carmen discovered.
dragonflytv PBS Kids Go! dare to investigate together!