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parents & teachers
Phoebe and ShannonWe're Phoebe and Shannon. We love exploring Yellowstone National Park. There are so many cool things to see: the canyon, waterfalls, wildlife, lakes, hot springs, and geysers! We went to Canyon Visitor Center to learn more about these features-especially the thermal basins, places where there are lots of geysers or hot springs. We were curious: Why doesn't every thermal basin have a geyser?

How would you investigate this question?
Have you ever built a model volcano? You can create a mini-geyser as well. Think about what you might like to know about mini-geysers. Plan an investigation. Describe it in your notebook and discuss it with your teacher, or go to Geysers to learn more about what Phoebe and Shannon discovered.

dragonflytv PBS Kids Go! dare to investigate together!