Hovercraft Design

Who doesn't love to rise above it all? We're Rachel and Sara, and we're into engineering. We wanted to build our own hovercraft. We bought a few things from the hardware store, and grabbed stuff laying around in the garage, and made a hovercraft that we could ride! It worked well on concrete, but it didn't work very well on grass. Our question: how can we make our hovercraft glide over uneven surfaces?
How would you investigate this question?
A hovercraft uses air to lift itself slightly off the ground. If you can't build a hovercraft large enough to ride on, then try making a smaller one. Use a blow dryer, cardboard, plastic garbage bag, and a can lid, to make a miniature hovercraft. Pick a feature to vary, such as changing the surface area of the hovercraft base, or increasing/ decreasing the weight of the craft. Decide what surface to test your hovercraft on. Write down your design ideas in your notebook. Go to Hovercraft to see how Rachel and Sara investigated this question.