Water on Mars
We're TJ and Trey, and we're all about astronomy. We check out planets and stars through a telescope whenever we get a chance. We're especially into Mars. Everybody always talks about Martians, but have scientists ever really found any signs of life? We've heard that if you could find water on Mars, you might find life on Mars. Our question: How could you find evidence of water on Mars?
How would you investigate this question?
No one has been to Mars yet, so focus your investigation on things you can do at places on Earth that resemble Mars. Mars is often described as a desert. How would you look for water in the desert? Is there special equipment you would want to bring? How could you find sources of water hidden just below the surface? Write your ideas in your notebook, and discuss them with your classmates. Go to Mars to learn what TJ and Trey did, and how they learned to search for water on Mars!