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Midway Games

mary jane and eliza at the midway We're Mary Jane and Eliza. Each summer, we head to the Minnesota State Fair to check out the animals, gobble snacks, and go on every ride possible. We also hit the Midway to play the games, but we always seem to lose! We think we have our best chance at two throwing games: "break the plates," and "knock over the wooden blocks." Our question: Can we use science to improve our chances of winning?

How would you investigate this question?
Consider the factors that might affect your chances of winning a ball toss game. Some examples might include: the mass of the ball, the speed of your throw, and distance to the target. Because there are many possible variables, design an investigation that allows you to control one variable at a time. Consider setting up your own experimental version of the game. Write your ideas in your notebook, and discuss them with your classmates. Go to Midway Games to see what Mary Jane and Eliza did, and what they learned about the science of Midway Games!

dragonflytv PBS Kids Go! dare to investigate together!