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paragliders photo We're David, Alex, and Abby. We live in Aspen, Colorado, and we are learning to paraglide. We know that the key to a great ride is to find thermals. Thermals are bubbles of rising air that lift the paraglider back up into the sky. Our question: Where are the strongest thermals?

How would you investigate this question?
As you think about this investigation, consider the kinds of landforms you could possibly fly over while paragliding (Hint: water, grass, rock or sand, trees, etc). How will you determine when you have found a thermal? Will you need to measure air temperature from the paraglider? Would you rather measure your altitude? What equipment will you need to take with you while you glide?Describe your investigation in your notebook and discuss it with your teacher, or go to Paragliding to learn more about David, Alex, and Abby's investigation.

dragonflytv PBS Kids Go! dare to investigate together!