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Roller Coaster Design

Tyler on camera We're Tyler and Aditya and we're roller coaster maniacs! We especially love steep hills, sharp turns, and crazy loop-de-loops. But we couldn't agree on which of these things makes a ride the most exciting. Here's our question: Where do you feel the most g's on a roller coaster?

How would you investigate this question?
Think about Tyler and Aditya's question, and develop a strategy for investigating it. You can make a simple accelerometer by hanging a small weight on a spring, and suspending it in a graduated cylinder. But how would you use the accelerometer on a roller coaster? Would you test the hills, or the turns, or both? What kind of data would you collect, and what comparisons would you make? Decribe your investigation in your notebook and discuss it with your teacher, or go to Roller Coaster Design to learn what Tyler and Aditya discovered.

dragonflytv PBS Kids Go! dare to investigate together!