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boy with yo-yo Yo! I'm John, and I love yo-yos! When my friends Kevin, Minna and I are doing tricks, one of the most important skills to master is making our yo-yos "sleep." Sleeping is when you throw the yo-yo just right, and it keeps spinning when it reaches the end of the string without climbing back up. Since we want to perfect our tricks, we asked this question on DragonflyTV: How does the length of the yo-yo string affect its "sleeping time?"

How would you investigate this question?
How can we change our yo-yos to increase their "sleeping time?" Look at several kinds of yo-yos. Some have ball bearings, others do not. Pick one kind of yo-yo, the variables you want to investigate, and describe what experiments you'd do. Write your investigation in your notebook or go to Yo-Yos to find out what John and his friends did.

dragonflytv PBS Kids Go! dare to investigate together!