Snow Shelter

Morgan, Thianna, and Rio, and we dig SNOW! Not only do we dig it,
we jump in it, ski on it, and snowboard over it. But snow isn't
all fun and games. Getting stranded in snow and freezing cold weather
can be really dangerous. We built a snow shelter called a quinzhee.
It's actually a little cave you dig in a big mound of snow. But
we weren't sure it would really keep us warm overnight. For our
segment on DragonflyTV we asked: Will a snow shelter keep you warm
when the temperature dips below freezing?
How would you investigate this question?
What equipment would you need? How would you keep track
of the temperature both inside and outside the snow shelter? Write
your ideas in your notebook then discuss them with your class
or visit Snow Shelter to see what the DFTV scientists found out.