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waterslides photoWe're Valerie and Margie. We love the splashy, slippery rush of waterslides! To learn more about these soggy thrill rides, we visited our favorite water parks to investigate: What makes a great waterslide?

How would you investigate this question?
What better excuse to go to the waterpark than to do a science investigation! Pick a couple of slides to study. Decide what it is you want to observe about the slides ( for example, the number of turns, the total length, how fast you go, etc). Come up with a way to judge how fun or thrilling each slide is, too. How will you use the different kinds of data you collect to answer the question? Describe your investigation in your notebook and discuss it with your teacher, or go to Waterslides to learn more about Valerie and Margie's investigation.

dragonflytv PBS Kids Go! dare to investigate together!