Hello from Sarah, Valencia, and Sophia! We all have really different interests-from computers to horses to piano. But one thing we have in common is that we're SciGirls! SciGirls is an after-school program that encourages girls in science. We love it! And the Museum of Life and Science in Durham, North Carolina is our SciGirls headquarters. We saw a cool outdoor exhibit there on our state's wetlands. That got us inspired to try a mini-bioblitz to look for endangered species in these areas. A bioblitz is when a small group of people search through a location to see how many plants and animals live there. Our question: What plants and animals live in wetlands?

How would you investigate this question?
Design a bioblitz for a natural setting near your home. Describe your investigation in your notebook and discuss it with your teacher, or go to Wetlands to learn more about what Sarah, Valencia, and Sophia discovered.