Volume 2
Swing into action with the Spring 2002 My Science Journal, a magazine just for kids. Loaded with awesome investigations, the Journal gives you a place to take notes about your own investigations. When you're finished, you can send it to us or tell us about it at "Be on DFTV." You might be the next young scientists on DragonflyTV!Check out these cool activities:
Grow a Crystal: Find out what it takes to grow rock crystals in just a few days.
Find the DragonflyTV Investigations: Discover 27 investigations on one page.
Clean Crusader: Read about how a 12-year old environmentalist helps keep his local streams pollution-free.
Color Roundup: What happens when lots of colors reach your eye at the same time?
Word Scramble: How many words can you make from the letters in D-R-A-G-O-N-F-L-Y-T-V?
Measure the Earth: See how you can measure the circumference of the earth with your shadow.
Crack the Code: You might learn how to ride a square-wheeled bike.
Amazing Air Pressure! Learn how you can lift your friends with only a drinking straw.
Journal Page: Describe your investigation and then send it to DragonflyTV.