Volume 6 | Science Museum Edition
Grab this special edition of the DragonflyTV Zine and explore your local science museum, nature center, zoo, or even your own backyard! Check out these cool activities and features:DragonflyTV Speed Demons: These kids really heed their need for speed!
Museum Madness: What can you find in a science museum?
Super Do It!: Make your own whirligig!
DragonflyTV Word Unscramble: Get a jolt out of these electricity terms.
Natural Treasures:Here's a collection of words about, well, collections.
Super Do It!: Make a rubber egg!
Riddle: How can you pedal a bike up to eighty miles per hour?
T-Rex Puzzler: Check out this BIG challenge!
Buggin' Out: Meet a insect scientist and make your own bug magnet.
Super Do It!: Go fish (for ice cubes, that is).