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What types of volunteer work have you done, or are you doing now? What’s the best part about it?

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Volunteering: Give and Get Back!

Topics on
Give and Get Back!
Why Should I Do It?
How Can I Make
    A Difference?
Helping People
Helping Animals
Helping With School
    and Education
Helping The Environment
It's A Family Thing
How To Be A Good
From the Mentors
Here’s a riddle: What’s available everywhere, totally free, and can make you feel great about yourself?


We asked IML’ers to tell us why they thought it was important for young people to volunteer.

Michele, 12, says: “It teaches humbleness, something I could use. Also, it teaches you how many people need help around the world. You want to help more and more people. It gets kind of addicting.”

Samantha, 12, writes: “If people didn't get involved, when they grew up they would not be good at working with people.”

Kyra, 10, thinks “it’s important for young people to help out because it shows they care for their community.”

Jasmine, 12, told us that volunteering is a good thing because “it helps you get moving instead of sitting around the house all day!”

No matter how old you are, what you’re good at, what you’re interested in, or where you live, there’s a volunteer opportunity out there that can help you…

  • Explore and learn new things
  • Deal with the stress and problems of everyday life
  • Meet new people and make friends
  • Boost your self-confidence and self-esteem
  • Feel less helpless and more in control of your world

IML will help you find it! But first, you may still be asking the question, Why Should I Do It?

Printables Get thinking about volunteering with a printable IML Journal page and the Volunteering Crossword. You can also check out a list of great books on the subject or try these discussion questions that will help you talk about this topic with an adult.
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