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Resources By Topic: Volunteering

On "It's My Life":

  • Article: "Volunteering"
    This article introduces kids to the benefits of volunteer work, and talks about the wide variety of opportunities available to children of all ages, skill levels, and interests.

  • IML Journal Page: "Volunteering"
    These pages, designed for easy printing, encourage children to express themselves on the topic and can complement home or classroom discussion.

  • “Volunteering” Crossword
    This printable puzzle is a fun way to learn about various ideas associated with volunteering.

Quick Discussion Guide:
Questions and suggestions for discussing this topic with your child.

Related Resources:

On The Web

Please also see the Web resources listed in each section of the "Volunteering" article.


    The Busy Family's Guide to Volunteering: Doing Good Together
    by Jenny Friedman
    Designed to be a guide for families who want to do good things for their community, spend quality time together, and have fun, this book shows parents how to find volunteer opportunities right for them.

    Raising Kids Who Will Make a Difference: Helping Your Family Live With Integrity, Value Simplicity, and Care for Others
    by Susan V. Vogt
    This book focuses on strategies for parents on how to raise socially conscious children.

Please also see Books for Kids.

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