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Did you go to summer camp this year? What happened?
--From Subha, 13

Talk about it here!

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Summer Camp: Take Chances, Make Memories

Kids around a campfire

Topics on Summer Camp:
Take Chances,
    Make Memories

Why Go To Camp?
Choosing A Camp
Get Ready, Get Packed
Making Friends
I'm Worried About...
Casey's Story
From the Mentors
Sleeping bags and campfires, crafts and sports, new friends and fun crushes…There’s nothing quite like summer camp for the experience of a lifetime!

Some of you IML’ers are already seasoned camp veterans.

Maria, 11, told us: “I went to science camp in the mountains. It was very cool and I'll never forget that week. I learned a lot of new things and I met new people. That was the best part.”

Says Nick, 12: “I went to a camp and loved it. I met my first girlfriend there and we still write even though we broke up."

If you’re a first-timer for summer camp this year, or even just thinking about it for the future, the whole idea of leaving home and living with a bunch of strangers can be pretty scary. How do you know which camp is right for you? Will you make new friends and enjoy yourself? What if you miss your family?

Relax. IML’s got all these questions -- and more -- covered. So let’s get started with Why Go To Camp?

Printables Get thinking about summer camp with a printable IML Journal page and the Summer Camp Word Search. You can also check out a list
of great books on the subject or try these discussion questions that will help you talk about this topic with an adult.
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Tough Crush Canyon
Tough Crush Canyon
Romance at
Ranger Camp!

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Have you ever been away to summer camp?
Yes, and it was
        really cool!
Yes, but I didn’t
        like it that much!
No, but I will
        go soon!

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"Summer Camp"
Word Search!

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