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Animal Names
Familiarize children with animal names in two languages through word games

In the Maya & Miguel episode, “Rhymes with ‘Gato’,” Chrissy’s kitten runs away. Maya and her friends put up signs and spread the word about the lost “gato.” Unfortunately, Maggie’s Spanish is terrible, and she tells people they’re missing a “pato” – a duck. Soon Maya is stuck with an unhappy duck in her apartment, on the same afternoon that the landlord is coming by to make some repairs. And, she still has to find the lost kitty.

In this activity, animal names will be read and spoken in two languages. A magnetic animal farm will be created to teach animal names in English and Spanish. For a group, sharing native language will be encouraged between English language learners and English language speakers.


  • bilingual animal names (listed below)
  • magnetic strips
  • glue
  • scissors
  • index cards
  • small animal pictures from magazines, books, etc.

Directions: Make a magnetic animal farm for your refrigerator door! Cut out animal pictures and glue each picture on an index card. Attach a magnetic strip to the back of each card. Write each animal name on another index card and attach magnetic strips; make both Spanish and English name cards. Encourage your child to say the names of each animal in Spanish and English. Match names with each animal picture.

Spanish English
el conejito bunny
el gato cat
el perro dog
el pato duck
la carpa dorada goldfish
la rana frog
la marmota hamster
la tortuga turtle
el mascota pet
el poni pony
el loro parrot

Talk About It: Ask your child to tell what each one of the above animals looks like, eats, where it lives and if it would make a good pet for your family.

Take It Further:

  • Learn animal names in other foreign languages by visiting Enchanted Learning.
  • Identify pet characteristics by asking your child to listen to these clues. Example: A cat meows; a dog _________. A cat has paws; a fish has _____________., etc. This is a fun way for your child to use his/her listening skills to build language.

With a Group: Explore the amazing world of animals and learn about the responsibilities that go along with caring for a pet at home. Use these ideas to help your group gain some important pet savvy:

  • Visit your local animal control facility.
  • Arrange for a pet store employee to share daily job duties.
  • Take a tour of your local veterinarian clinic.
  • Research the “pets” and the “lost and found” sections of the newspaper.
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