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Autograph Art
Create a piece of art with your own unique signature

In the Maya & Miguel episode “The Autograph,” Paco destroys Miguel’s favorite Orlando Cruz baseball card. Maya decides to fix the situation by getting an autograph from Orlando himself, who is coming to town that weekend with his team. The kids get desperate and come up with some creative ideas to try to get ever closer to the star by impersonating a boy-band, hot dog vendors and a big furry mascot.


  • liquid glue
  • fine sand or store-bought colored art sand
  • finely cut dried herbs/spices
  • poster board or light wood board

Directions: Have fun creating a unique piece of autograph art by following these steps:

  • Make sure your child knows what an autograph is by sharing examples like check and document signatures, letters, advertisements, sports equipment; most baseball gloves have autographs printed on them!
  • Assist your child in practicing writing his/her name. If needed, write your child’s name for tracing.
  • On poster board or light wood board, help your child write his/her name with liquid glue. Sprinkle fine sand, finely cut dried herbs/spices, or store-bought art sand. Allow to dry before shaking excess off. Frame or display as a reminder of how special and valuable your child’s autograph is.

Talk About It: Ask your child to tell or show you what an autograph is. Talk about why autographs are unique to every person. Talk about local places that autographs are used to conduct business like the bank, post office, pharmacy, school and courthouse.

Take It Further: Help your child collect autographs of local role models, family and friends. Explain that while collecting autographs from famous people is exciting, the most valuable autographs can be from the very people we love and admire close to home.

With a Group:

  • Discover famous autographs by visiting the local library to examine a print copy of the Declaration of Independence. (Print copies of this document can also be found at many retail locations.)
  • Help children identify the Star Spangled Banner as America’s national anthem. Then practice singing this patriotic song just like everyone at the baseball game did in Maya & Miguel’s episode, “The Autograph.”
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