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Friendly Letters
Practice writing skills by composing a short friendly letter

In the Maya & Miguel episode “The Letter,” when Maya finds a letter left on Miguel’s desk, she assumes the letter is written by Miguel to a pretty girl in their class named Esperanza. Thinking that her brother might need a little help in making friends, Maya (with the eager assistance of Maggie and Chrissy) tells Esperanza how wonderful Miguel is. The Tres Amigas (three friends) have some explaining to do when it is discovered that Miguel didn’t write the letter. Andy did!

In this activity, letter form and age-appropriate English and Spanish language will be used to write a short, friendly letter to mail to someone special.


  • paper
  • writing tool (pen or pencil)
  • 5 Parts of a Friendly Letter (listed below)

Directions: Write a friendly letter! Read the friendly letter to your child. Ask your child to repeat the letter in English, Spanish, or his/her own native language. Then ask your child to copy the friendly letter and draw a picture to go with the message. Help your child fold, address and mail the letter to someone special.

Dear ___________, (date)

How are you doing? I like playing and having fun with friends. I also like reading books, taking care of my pet, and watching cartoons. How do you like to have fun? Maybe we can play together sometime. Write me back as soon as you can.

Your friend, ______________  

Talk About It: Ask your child to tell you how he/she feels after receiving a card or letter in the mail from someone special. Then use a calendar to mark birthdays of family members and special friends so they can be remembered with a friendly card or letter.

Take It Further: Using the 5 Parts of a Friendly Letter (listed below), write a simple letter to your child. Read the letter to your child and ask him/her to help you identify the 5 parts of your friendly letter. Use English language, Spanish, or your own native language to read and talk about the letter. This is a nice way to share feelings with your “someone special.”

5 Parts of a Friendly Letter
1. Heading -- tells when the letter was written (date). Place in top right corner.
2. Greeting -- says hello and usually begins with “Dear.”
3. Body -- the main part of the letter where you tell something or ask questions
4. Closing -- says goodbye
5. Signature -- tells who wrote the letter

With a Group: Arrange a pen pal letter exchange with another group of English language learners/speakers. Ask someone to translate letters, if needed. Help each child compose a friendly letter and draw a picture to include with the letter. Seal letters and mail. What a fun way to start new friendships!

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