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Enjoy these fun and meaningful cooperative activities with someone special

In the Maya & Miguel episode “An Okri-Dokey Day,” Maya realizes that their neighbors, Greg and Isoka Okri, don’t have any children of their own, so she concludes that their life must be horribly empty. Maya engineers things so she and Miguel spend the better part of a weekend with the Okris. However, between roller coaster rides, kid-friendly restaurants, homemade facial treatments and breakfast in bed, the Okris get a lot more than they bargained for.

In this activity, your child will find out how much fun time spent with someone special can be. Cooperative activities like reading together and being creative with sidewalk art will help build language and literacy skills in a fun way.


  • bilingual book (listed below)
  • sidewalk chalk
  • finger paint
  • shaving cream

Directions: This is a two-in-one art activity that will provide some indoor and outdoor fun to enjoy together:

  • Read What Shall I Do Today?/Que hacemos hoy? by Ray Gibson (English and Spanish). This book has great ideas that will inspire your young artist.
  • Get creative with sidewalk art using chalk, shaving cream, finger paint, etc. to write name, numbers and episode vocabulary: breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack

Talk About It: Ask your child to share thoughts about the time you spent together reading and playing outside. Invite your child to also share what he/she likes best about spending time with family and friends.

Take It Further:

  • Plan a trip to the local fair to give your child the opportunity to experience a rollercoaster ride just like the characters did in “An Okri-Dokey Day!”
  • Think of ways that you and your child can work together for a good cause. It might be helping an elderly neighbor or collecting food for a local food bank.

With a Group:

  • Plan a field trip to visit your local nursing home. Encourage children to talk, play games, read and sing for the residents. Hopefully, new friendships will begin and your group will better understand how important sharing time with others can be, especially for older generations.
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