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Resources on the Web

The following sites are great resources for supporting English language learning and general literacy. However, please know that we don’t maintain or monitor them, and we are not responsible for their content.

Language and Literacy Organizations

  • National Center for Family Literacy
    Overall mission is to create educational and economic opportunity for at-risk children and parents.
  • Center for Applied Linguistics
    Extensive resource providing information promoting teaching, learning and issues related to language and culture.
  • Clearing House on Early Education and Parenting (CEEP)
    Provides publications and information to worldwide early childhood and parenting communities.
  • Reading Is Fundamental (RIF)
    Provides a wealth of free reading motivation resources for educators, parents, and caregivers. Includes entire Spanish-language section of Web site designed for Latino families.
  • Reading is Fundamental (RIF) - Leamos en Familia!
    Reading Is Fundamental offers an interactive bilingual section that includes Spanish-language activities, games, literacy resources, and reading tips for the whole family.
  • Described and Captioned Media Program (DCMP)
    Provides free-loan captioned educational media titles (many Spanish), including literacy and language development topics. Also serves as a captioning information center. Funded by the U.S. Department of Education.

Books, Books, and More Books

  • Association for Library Service to Children
    (Division of the American Library Association)
    Kid-friendly site loaded with resources for children to extensively explore age-appropriate topics of interest and educational subjects.
  • Friends of Libraries
    Motivates, supports and promotes strong local libraries. Books for Babies program encourages the love of reading and puts books and library information in the hands of parents of newborns.
  • Lectorum Publications
    This Scholastic company is the oldest and largest Spanish-language book distributor in the United States, with vast selection of over 25,000 titles for children and adults.

For Parents and Caregivers

  • PBS Parents
    Offers features, advice and educational activities dedicated to helping both parents and caregivers raise children who are ready to learn.
  • Reading Rockets
    Reading Rockets is a national multimedia project that looks at how young kids learn to read, why so many struggle and how caring adults can help.
  • Colorin Colorado
    Bilingual Spanish-language site for parents who want to help their children become good readers.
  • Scholastic, Inc.
    Award-winning publisher of children’s books and supplementary learning aids for K-8. Extensive resource for parents, caregivers and educators providing supplementary learning aids for K-8 including interactive online games and printable activities for children.
  • National Center for Family Literacy
    (Including The Hispanic Family Literacy Institute)

    The Hispanic Family Literacy Institute was established by the NCFL to expand and enhance family literacy services for the educational, social and economic advancement of Hispanic and other immigrant families in need.
  • Clearing House on Early Education and Parenting (CEEP)
    Provides publications and information to worldwide early childhood and parenting communities.
  • Literacy Connections
    (Second Language Literacy and Hispanic Literacy)

    Provides links and resources for Spanish-speaking parents, educators, and communities.

Kid-friendly Sites

  • Between the Lions
    PBS' children's program aimed at teaching kids to read, introducing a new story each week, with accompanying games and activities.
  • Reading Rainbow
    PBS’ children’s television series whose prime objective is to help beginning readers fall in love with literature.
  • Association for Library Service to Children
    (Division of the American Library Association)

    Kid-friendly site that loaded with resources for children to extensively explore age-appropriate topics of interest and educational subjects.
  • KidsReads
    This site aims to put the power of book selection in the hands of the elementary student reader.
  • Reading is Fundamental (RIF) Reading Planet
    Reading Is Fundamental's Web site for children. Allows kids of all ages to discover the joys of reading through an interactive world of books, games, contests and various reading and writing activities.

Educational Resources

  • PBS TeacherSource
    PBS’ resource featuring over 4500 educational lesson plans and activities.
  • Literacy Connections
    Provides information on reading, teaching and tutoring techniques, ESL literacy, and adult literacy.
  • TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages)
    Global educational resource for educators of language and literacy.
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