neighbors of all ages

:( i miss fred rogers. i used to watch him whe n i was little. now im in fifth grade and i still miss him in 2008. catherine - houston, tx

I will never forget the morning of Febuary 27th,2003 (my 29th birthday) when I turned on my computer to check email and saw on the aol news that Fred Rogers had died. I printed 2 articles tucked them away in a plastic bag to save and just cried fighting back tears I said, "He was just a nice man". I still like to watch the neighborhood and I have 2 DVD's on the neighborhood. When he visited Lou Ferrigino & Bill Bixby at the tv studio filming of the "Incredible Hulk" It was interesting to see how they got Lou all dressed up cause I thought that Bill Bixby REALLY turned into that monster! I also liked when he asked Lou, "Now you don't do this when you really get angry do you?" A good friend of mine died in a boating accident in 2002 and he knew the neighborhood by the back of his hand. He like to watch it when he got home from work. I hope he's up there now telling Mister Rogers how much he appreciates him. Andy - Spring Hill, FL

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