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Episode #101 "How Sagwa Got Her Colors"
Sagwa's curiosity leads her right into the royal ink pot. Her accidental rule change causes the villagers to sing the Foolish Magistrate's praises.
Tip: Ask your child to think of a rule that he or she believes is unfair. What could be done to change the rule?

Episode #102 "New Year's Clean Up"
Tai-Tai believes the palace is full of rats--but it's really just one very crafty rat, who tricks Sagwa into helping him.
Tip: Ask, "What happened when Sagwa didn't tell the truth? Why do you think she changed her mind?"

Episode #102 "Firefly Nights"
Dongwa doesn't want to be a kitten anymore. Then Baba shows him what it really means to be a grown-up, and Dongwa changes his mind.
Tip: Write down a list of things your child wants to do when he or she is grown-up, and things your child likes to do now. Also, read Con Mi Hermano / With My Brother by Eileen Roe.

Episode #103 "Royal Cats"
Dongwa hates history, until he finds an army of clay cats, and learns about his family's roots.
Tip: With your child, explore a new museum or travel a new way home.

Episode #103 "Acrobat Cats"
Sagwa learns to appreciate her talents when she tries to be as good an acrobat as Dongwa and Sheegwa.
Tip: Ask your child to draw a picture of something he or she is good at doing.

Episode #104 "Tung, the Singing Cricket"
The Foolish Magistrate is the only one who enjoys Tung the Cricket's noisy screeches. Tai-Tai gets rid of Tung, but then realizes she made a terrible mistake.
Tip: Ask, "Why do you think the Magistrate liked Tung's song when no one else did?"

Episode #104 "Sagwa's Lucky Bat"
Sagwa becomes best friends with Fu-Fu the bat after he rescues her from an ash can and helps her clean up.
Tip: Talk about what qualities make a good friend.

Episode #105 "Cat Burglar"
The kittens don't like it when a burglar is described as being "as sneaky as a cat." They use their "sneaking" ability to catch the burglar in the act.
Tip: Talk about how the kittens and the burglar used the same talent (being sneaky) to do good and bad things.

Episode #105 "Sagwa's Good Deed"
Sagwa tries to help her friend Feng, whose family doesn't have enough to eat. When she doesn't tell Mama what she is doing, she gets in trouble for staying out late.
Tip: Ask your child, "What do you think would have happened if Sagwa had told Mama about Feng's problem right away?"

Episode #106 "Harvest Festival Race"
Dongwa cheats at a race so that he can beat Sagwa, but then realizes the error of his ways and gives the prize to his sister.
Tip: Ask, "Why do you think Dongwa cheated? Why do you think he told the truth at the end?"

Episode #106 "The Foolish Magistrate's New Robes"
No one wants to look like a fool and say that he/she can't see the Magistrate's new robes. Sagwa helps everyone see the truth.
Tip: Ask your child to tell a story about what happened to the tailors the next time they came to the village.

Episode #107 "Magistrate Loses His Post"
When the Foolish Magistrate learns that he has lost his job, he finds out just how much his family and his staff care about him.
Tip: Read Mama Zooms by Jane Cowne-Fletcher.

Episode #107 "Fur Cut"
Sagwa is embarrassed by her new haircut, and makes up a tall tale to explain the new look. She learns the difference between telling stories and making up lies.
Tip: Fold paper together to make a little book. On one half, work together to tell Sagwa's tale. On the other side, tell the true story of what happened.

Episode #108 "Sagwa's Swan Song"
When they are unhappy with the gifts they have received and have given, Tai-Tai and the kittens have to learn to see a different perspective.
Tip: Read The Little Red Hen by Lucinda McQueen.

Episode #108 "Tribal Cats"
New cats have come to town, and Sagwa challenges one of them. Both cats realize they have a lot in common after they get in trouble together.
Tip: Ask your child, "Why is it important to get to know someone before you decide if you like them or not?"

Episode #109 "Stinky Tofu"
Sagwa loves to hear her grandfather's stories, but she can't stand his stinky tofu breath. She learns that it is better to tell him the truth than miss spending time with him.
Tip: Ask, "Do you think it was a good decision for Sagwa to tell Yeh-Yeh the truth?"

Episode #109 "Cat and Mouse"
Sagwa lets the alley cats bully her into not playing with her friends, the mice. Fu-Fu helps her see that even animals who are very different can still be friends.
Tip: Read Big Friend, Little Friend by Eloise Greenfield.

Episode #110 "The Foolish Magistrate's Aching Tooth"
Sagwa embarks on a mission to get the quill of the Crested Porcupine, and has to face her fears along the way.
Tip: Read The Little Engine that Could by Watty Piper.

Episode #110 "Sheegwa and the Blizzard"
Sheegwa runs away after Sagwa bosses her. Sagwa feels guilty and goes out into a snowstorm to find her baby sister, who was in the kitchen all the while.
Tip: Give your child chalk and dark construction paper to use to make a snowy scene.

Episode #111 "By the Light of the Moon"
The kittens prepare a special Moon Cake for Mama Miao, who really just wants to spend more time with her family.
Tip: Spend time together and prepare a special meal.

Episode #111 "Treasure Hunters"
On a treasure hunt, Sagwa, Fu-Fu, and Shei-Hu have to work together and use their special talents to find their way out of a tight spot.
Tip: Prepare a treasure hunt for your child. Leave a trail of clues that lead to the "treasure" -- a new book, a special snack, or a hug from you!

Episode #112 "Fraidy Cats"
Sheegwa believes there is a ghost in the house after listening to Yeh-Yeh's scary stories.
Tip: Together, develop an action plan for handling something your child is afraid of.

Episode #112 "The Tortoise and the Cat"
An injury and the guidance of a friendly tortoise force Sagwa to slow down and appreciate the beauty of her surroundings.
Tip: Read: The Listening Walk by Paul Showers.

Episode #113 "Cats of a Different Class"
Sagwa trades places with an imperial official's "high class" cats, and realizes she is happiest being just who she is.
Tip: Discuss with your child one of things Sagwa originally believed about the "high class" cats, and then the truth she found out about them.

Episode #113 "Alley Cat Opera"
Sheegwa is afraid that Mama and Baba don't love each other because they are fighting. Meanwhile, the kittens are chosen to perform in the Monkey King opera.
Tip: Talk about why it's okay for Mama and Baba to have different opinions, and that fighting doesn't mean that people don't love each other.

Episode #114 "Fu-Fu and the Whistling Pigeon"
Sagwa and Fu-Fu both want the attention of Ping-Wing, an incredible, musical pigeon. They learn that they can all be friends together.
Tip: With your child, brainstorm some rules that would help friends get along with each other.

Episode #114 "Princess Sheegwa"
Sagwa is jealous when her little sister is declared a princess, and then realizes how much she will miss her if she is sent away.
Tip: Ask your child to act like Sagwa, and show how Sagwa felt when everyone was paying attention to Sheegwa.

Episode #115 "Ciao, Meow"
Tai-Tai helps the kittens when the Foolish Magistrate offers one of them to a visiting descendant of Marco Polo.
Tip: Ask, "Do you think the Foolish Magistrate would have offered to give away a kitten if he had thought about the Miao family's feelings first?"

Episode #115 "Sagwa Rules"
What would life be like without rules? The kittens ponder this question, until Sheegwa gets hurt when she breaks a rule.
Tip: Ask your child, "What are some of the rules you have to follow on the playground? What do you think would happen if these rules didn't exist?"

Episode #116 "Explorer's Club"
When the siblings form exclusive clubs, someone is bound to be left out. Will they be able to join forces and survive a dangerous avalanche?
Tip: Read Margaret and Margarita by Lynn Reiser.

Episode #116 "Time for Everything"
Afraid to tell his parents that he prefers kung fu to calligraphy, Dongwa misses his first solo rule-writing. In the end, Dongwa works out a compromise that makes everyone happy.
Tip: Challenge your child to try and imitate the kung-fu moves that Dongwa performed, and to create new moves.

Episode #117 "Not-So-Purrfect Patient"
Dongwa gets hurt. He enjoys all the extra attention he gets so much that he doesn't want to tell anyone when he is better!
Tip: Take turns making statements and then guessing whether they are true or false.

Episode #117 "Comic Opera"
With a little help from a friend, Sagwa has overcomes many obstacles to get Baba's opera to Singbad.
Tip: Sagwa's journey would have been a lot easier with a map. Ask your child to draw a map that shows Sagwa how to get from the palace to Singbad.

Episode #118 "Panda-monium"
The kittens want to be big heroes and capture a panda, but they are really heroic when they help the panda find his mother.
Tip: Discuss why it was important for the kittens to help the panda?

Episode #118 "Festival of Lanterns"
The kittens accidentally ruin the Magistrate's entry in the Best Lantern contest. They work together to mend it, and although it's not as good as before, it still wins second place.
Tip: Ask your child to draw a picture that shows what he or she would do if he accidentally ruined someone's work.

Episode #119 "Snagged by a Thread"
Sagwa argues with another cat, and they tear a special pillow in their chase. Sagwa has to decide if she will let the other cat take all the blame.
Tip: Ask, "Why do you think Sagwa admitted to tearing the pillow when no one noticed that she did it?"

Episode #119 "Master of Mistakes"
Sheegwa and the Magistrate's daughters discover that they have to learn from their mistakes in order to master new skills.
Tip: Talk about new skills your child has acquired, and the mistakes made in the learning process.

Episode #120 "Collar of Time"
Sagwa buries her new collar after she is embarrassed by it. Will she be able to find the family heirloom?
Tip: Read Corduroy by Don Freeman. Also, Invite your child to make a special collar for Sagwa from construction paper.

Episode #120 "The Birds, the Bees, and the Silkworms"
Tai-Tai banishes birds, bees, and silkworms from the village because she thinks they are ugly and useless. Tai-Tai then changes her mind when she discovers their true value.
Tip: Use a magnifying glass to take a close look at insects and other small creatures in the world around you.

Episode #121 "Invention By Mistake"
Sagwa and Fu-Fu want to help the Magistrate invent something useful, and they do--a watering system for the garden.
Tip: Together, brainstorm some inventions. Ask your child to choose one and draw a picture of it.

Episode #121 "Dongwa the Sailor"
Dongwa is smart enough to know nont to make a jump over a dengerous gap, but the alley cats call him a coward.
Tip: Ask, "What would you say to someone who wanted you to do something dangerous?"

Episode #122 "New Cook in the Kitchen"
Cook's little brother takes over his duties when Cook gets hurt. Cook gets jealous when everyone raves about his brother's meals.
Tip: Read Marcellus' Birthday Cake by Lorriane Simeon.

Episode #122 "Cool Fu-Fu"
Fu-Fu wants to join the cool bat clique, but learns that he'd rather just be himself.
Tip: Ask, "Why do you think Fu-Fu changed his mind about joining the group of cool bats?"

Episode #123 "Tough Guy Dongwa"
Dongwa wants to help a little hurt bird. Will he be able to stand up to the alley cats jeers?
Tip: Invite your child to act out Dongwa helping the little bird.

Episode #123 "The Competition"
The Foolish Magistrate and an old rival almost ruin a calligraphy contest due to their silly pranks.
Tip: Talk about why the Foolish Magistrate and his rival couldn't stop competing with each other.

Episode #124 "Lord of the Fleas"
Everyone is excited to get away to the forest, but there's more chaos and mishaps than there is rest and relaxation.
Tip: Make some time to quietly watch the sunset with your child.

Episode #124 "A Precious Gift"
Sheegwa falls in love with Tai-Tai's special necklace, and doesn't want to return it. Sagwa has to help her sister get the necklace back when it is taken by the alley cats.
Tip: Talk about why Sheegwa didn't want to give the necklace back to Tai-Tai.

Episode #125 "My Fair Kitty"
Sagwa and her siblings help Mung, an alley cat, pretend to be a palace cat. But Mung learns that its better to be honest about who he is.
Tip: Ask, "What makes you happy about who you are?"

Episode #125 "The Favorite"
Sagwa is convinced that Dongwa is Baba's favorite kitten. Her obsession causes her to forget her duties for the Dragon Festival.
Tip: Take turns with your child telling what you love about each other.

Episode #126 "Tea for Two Monkeys"
Two tea monkeys come to the palace, and Dongwa is jealous of all the attention they get.
Tip: Have your child role play how Dongwa felt when he saw the tea monkeys at work.

Episode #126 "Lucky to Be a Bat"
Fu-Fu longs to live in the palace, but misses his freedom when he is locked in a cage.
Tip: Have your child draw a picture of all the things he or she loves about your home.

Episode #127 "Sagwa the Stray"
Dongwa gathers a search party to look for his missing sister, and learns some things about being a good leader along the way.
Tip: Ask, "What did Dongwa learn about being a good leader?"

Episode #127 "...And Action"
Everyone at the palace gets blinded by fame when two French film directors visit the palace. Only the humble Cook escapes the camera's charms.
Tip: Ask, "How do you think Dongwa felt when he saw himself in the movie?"

Episode #128 "Ba-Do and the Lantern Festival"
When Ba-Do ruins her fancy robe and headpiece, she is mistaken for a commoner.
Tip: Read Fish Is Fish by Leo Lionni.

Episode #128 "Fu-Fu's Full Moon Flight"
Fu-Fu is all set for his big night as the leader of the flock, until two bullies rattle his confidence.
Tip: Talk about how Fu-Fu and Sagwa acted when bullied. Ask, "Do you think they should have listened to the bullies?"

Episode #129 "A Catfish Tale"
Sagwa listens to Yeh-Yeh's fantastical story, and learns a lesson about family and respect.
Tip: Have your child share something they learned from an older relative or neighbor.

Episode #129 "Wedding Day Mess"
There's going to be a wedding at the palace, but first the Miao family has to help the bride get over her jitters.
Tip: Look at family photos together and talk about happy times your family has shared.

Episode #130 "Spreading Rumors"
Sagwa is jealous of all the time Dongwa is spending with his friend, Hun-Hun, and starts a little rumor that grows and grows.
Tip: Talk about why it is hurtful to start rumors and discuss other ways Sagwa could have handled her jealousy.

Episode #130 "Up, Up and Away"
Sir Richard brings his hot air balloon for a visit, and Sheegwa and Sagwa are taken for a wild ride.
Tip: Talk about why Sir Richard shouldn't have used his hot air balloon until he had learned to handle it.

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Based on the book "The Chinese Siamese Cat," written by Amy Tan with illustrations by Gretchen Schields.
© 2001-2003 CinéGroupe Sagwa Inc. Characters and Original Story © 1994 Amy Tan. Illustrations © 1994 Gretchen Schields.
"Sagwa" and its logo are trademarks of CinéGroupe Sagwa Inc. All rights reserved.