Plast-O-Matic! WayBack: The Future
Crystal Ball What's Your Racket?
The Future WayBack

Plast- O -Matic
plas-tic (plas'-tik): noun -- Any of a group of compounds that can be molded, extruded, cast, or otherwise shaped.
M.F.P.P.L. -- Fire up the Multi-Functional Plastics Production Lab and do some extruding!
Slime, Anyone? -- Cool activities you can do at home.
Buzz -- Meet Bhavjit Ghumman, Plastics Expert

Plastics hit the Big Time in the 1950s, after World War Two. The future and all its technological wonders had finally arrived.

Factories stopped making airplane parts and bombs -- and started making things everyone needed, like plastic dishes, toys, clothing -- even LP records. (Ask a grown-up what those are!)

The stuff was versatile, artificial, disposable... and, Americans found out by the 1990s, recyclable.

Learn about PBS' award-winning history series, American Experience