ZOOM Into Action: How You Are Helping! |
Here's what we've heard from you! Hope, age 8 of Cleveland wrote: I took out the garbage, helped my mom because shes sick, ran the vacum, and played with the dog. Chelle, age 5 of Roswell, GA wrote: My brother Taylor and I collected coats, blankets, and clothes for three weeks from family and friends. Our Mom sent an e-mail out asking for donations. We picked up the donations then we brought them to a homeless outreach center. Jasmine, age 12 of Virginia Beach, VA wrote: When my mom was feeling really sick, I helped her get better by feeding her soup. I also helped her find her medicine and get some sleep. Heather, age 10 of Hebron, IN wrote: I have a friend who was visiting her uncle. Her uncle is a paster in our community. We raised money for the church by having a lemonade/koolaid stand. We raised $12 in 5 hours. Shelbie, age 12 of Grass Lake wrote: I helped bye rasing money for the american heart asosiason. I have raised a lot of money for the people who are suffering from heart disses. Christine, age 12 of Holbrook, MA wrote: The seventh grade class at my school organized a food drive to help a local family have enough food for the holiday season. Edeline, age 11 of Fontana, CT wrote: I helped animals find homes and made sure that they were taken care of. Nicky, age 6 of Portland, OR wrote: My Mom just had a new baby. I have been helping by getting diapers and making the baby smile. Kristy, age 7 of Denver, CO wrote: I painted the fence and I picked up the trash in the strem and on the grass. Madisen, age 9 of Oviedo, FL wrote: I bring Soada Pop Tabs to a Nursing Home where they take them to a hospital and they help buy hospital tools. Juwana, age 11 of Clevland, OH wrote: My nephew david is 3 and cannot walk he has a disability. I always play with him race with him and what ever we do I let him win so that he know that he can do it, do what ever a person can walk do and that he is also a winner. Chris, age 14 of Sturgis, MI wrote: I washed the windows. Give the dogs a bath. Clean my room. Feed the dogs and fish. Shofl the side walk. Paige, age 9 of Parma, OH wrote: I helped my aunt with her insulin shot because she has diabetes. Eric, age 10 of Miami, FL wrote: I help student who can't read and write. I teach them about thirty-sixty minutes a day. They now enjoy reading and writing because sombody help them learn. Brydeshia, age 9 of Columbus, GA wrote: I help younger children with their homework. I read stories to them when they have reading time. I just love it!! Rachel, age 12 of Brea, CA wrote: At school, I helped out the disabled or mentally challenged ones. I helped them in our science class. I would spell out a word, or tell them how a word was spelt. Jashia, age 11 of Cleveland, OH wrote: I helped my teacher clean the school, file some papers, and deliever things to other classes. Stacey, age 12 of Oberlin wrote: I picked up cans around the park with my grandma. Anthony, age 11 of Memphis, TN wrote: I am working with my sixth grade class to help the Measles Initiative. We are raising money for vaccines for children who have measles in Africa. So far we have raised $749. 00! Jaimi, age 13 of Pomona, CT wrote: Me and my sister Anna went to Mexico with our church and built a house for a family. Meredith, age 8 of Jacksonville, GA wrote: I helped make Easter bonnetts for senior citizens in nursing homes. Stephanie, age 10 of Pensacola, FL wrote: My brother and I help the enviroment by recycling cans and tking them to a can crushing place so that they could be reused. Kiesha, age 11 of Tallahassee, FL wrote: 1. I feed a winged bat at my home. 2. I made a box tipe home for it. 3. I stayed up all night to keep it conpany because it was scretching. Alessa, age 10 of Easton, MA wrote: I walked dogs at the animal shelter so they could have some fun time rather then being cramped up in a cage. Jeanette, age 12 of Miami, FL wrote: One day me my sister and my friend made paper flags and we sold the flags for one dollar each. Then we gave the money to the fire department for the people who lost love ones in 9-11. Gennesis, age 12 of Phoenix, AZ wrote: I volunteer in the nurses office at my school during my P. E. times and during my lunch time. Kenalie, age 15 of Charlotte Amalie St. Thomas V.I. wrote: My Mom, sister, and Cousin gathered all our toys and stuffed animals that where still in exellent condition and took it to a toy drive for the less fortunate for Christmas. My Mother also donates gift packets to a school every Holiday. She's been doing it for four years now. Candy, age 14 of Cashion, AZ wrote: Well I'm in language arts class with a group of spanish people and me and my friend Laura always help them. It is a very big job to us 2. Help other kids to learn other language is so good to us and we like to help them with the help of Mrs. J she's a very nice, nice teacher. Alexis, age 7 of Vine Grove, KY wrote: I help kids that don't understand their homework. Heather, age 13 of Blackfoot, ID wrote: I helped Take care of sick rescued horses at a local stable. Lauren, age 9 of Des Moines, IA wrote: I made blankets out of fleece with my girl scout troop and with other girl scouts at my school. Avante, age 11 of Da wrote: When my family members are sick I help them alot by giving them their medicine and fixing their food. Anyhting they need I give it to them. Shannon, age 12 of Elkridge, MD wrote: I went to a place after school and helped a bunch of dissabled kids with their homework. It nade me feel good. I want to go back and try it again. Irene, age 9 of Buena Park, CA wrote: I went on a field trip to a corn field. There, I picked corn with friends in groups. The workers sent the corn we picked to help feed people with no food. Marisa, age 9 of Peoria, AZ wrote: Here at my school we do a "Fun run". We take two hours out of our busy schedule to run around campus for the needey. You won't be able to partisapate if you don't bring a can of food. Josie, age 12 of Dallas, TX wrote: We ripped out all the weeds and planted new flowers. Jenaye, age 11 of Paducah, KY wrote: Since January 2003, my family and I deliver meals at our local soup kitchen to elderly people in our community. They are poor, sickly, and in need of love. Kristin, age 10 of Philadelphia, PA wrote: I held a coolection at my school to donate items for the solders in Iraq. Jessica, age 9 of Moreno Valley, CA wrote: I love my world so I cleaned up the beach. It took a long time to get every little thing. I thought it would help the animals. Anna, age 10 of Roscoe, SD wrote: I set the table every week and the week I don't set the table I do the dishes. Cynthia, age 13 of Gaston, OR wrote: I helped seniors at the Retierment home by serving them food and cleaning up after them. Megan, age 12 of Moon Township, PA wrote: I helped plant flowers and helped make our enviroment look great. My naborhood and the garbage on the highways are clean and look so asome! They are filled with color. Elizabeth, age 9 of Newfield, NY wrote: We bring lunches to the red cross friendship center, with a fruit, a sweet and a sandwich in each. Frankie, age 10 of Barnegat, NJ wrote: Helped my parents run christmas parties for the less fourtunate in my area. Hannah, age 9 of Indianapolis, IN wrote: I spent 3 hours in my neighborhood picking up sticks and trash. I also raked up all the leaves and baged them. It was a lot of fun hearing all the thank yous from my neighborhood. Samantha, age 13 of Anchorage, AK wrote: I helped clean the chalk boards and I helped take out the trash and I helped clean up the lunch room. Peggy, age 11 of Ithaca, NY wrote: I volunteered at the YMCA with kids in the childcare room. Helped out, watched them, and play! |
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