Ape Cookies
Here's what you will need to make it:
- a banana
- 1/2 cup of chocolate chips
- peanut butter
- microwave-safe bowl
- toothpicks
- wooden spoon
- butter knife
- plate covered with waxed paper
- oven mitts
Here's what you have to do:
1. Check with a grown-up because you'll be using a microwave, and wash your hands before you start this.
2. Melt chocolate chips in microwave-safe bowl. The chips take about a minute and a half to melt, but you should check them every 30 seconds and stir with a wooden spoon.
3. Slice the banana into pieces about half an inch thick.
4. Put the banana slices into the melted chocolate.
5. Then use toothpicks to take the banana slices out of the chocolate with the toothpicks still in them, and put them on a plate covered with waxed paper.
6. Put the plate in the freezer for an hour, or until the Ape Cookies are frozen.
7. After they're frozen, you can dip your Ape Cookies in peanut butter.
8. Enjoy!