Banana On A Stick
Here's what you will need to make it:
- bananas (don't use mushy ones)
- a bag of chocolate chips
- a bowl
- some popsicle sticks
- a plate
- wax paper
Here's what you have to do:
1. Check with a grown-up before you start.
2. First, cover your plate in wax paper.
3. Then, peel a banana and cut it in half.
4. Then, push the popsicle stick into the bottom of the banana.
5. Next, you need a way to melt the chocolate. A 12 ounce bag of chocolate chips makes 8 bananas on a stick. Using a microwave or a stove, melt a bag of semi-sweet chocolate chips.
6. If you use a microwave, make sure you have a microwave-safe bowl (glass or plastic, no metal).
7. Melt the chocolate, constantly stirring. If you're using the microwave, stop it to stir every 15 seconds.
8. Then, roll the bananas in melted chocolate, using a spoon to help you cover them. The bananas may be a little loose on the stick, so be careful.
9. If your bowl of chocolate isn't big enough for the bananas to fit in, pour the chocolate onto a plate, and then roll the bananas.
10. Next, place them on a plate covered with wax paper, (or in a wax paper-lined plastic container) and freeze them until the bananas are firm on the sticks. It should take about two hours.
11. When they're done, take them out of the freezer.