Butterfly Cake
Here's what you will need to make it:
- 13 inch by 9 inch cake, you can make a homemade one or make one from a mix, just follow the directions on the box
- 2 cans store bought or homemade frosting in your favorite color and flavor
- coconut mixed with a few drops of food coloring for decoration
- licorice, jelly-beans, gum drops, and other small candies for decoration
- large flat serving dish (you could use a cookie sheet)
- knife
- butter knife or spatula
Here's what you have to do:
1. Check with a grown-up before starting this.
2. When the cake is cool, cut a 1 inch thick strip from the short end of the cake. This will be the body of butterfly.
3. Place the strip in the center of your serving dish.
4. Then, slice the rest of the cake into four triangles by making two diagonal cuts. These pieces will be the wings.
5. Place one triangle on each corner of the body so that it looks like a wing.
6. Frost the cake. It may be a little hard to frost the sides.
7. Now you can decorate your cake.
8. If you like coconut, you can color it by mixing 4 or 5 drops of food coloring into each cup of coconut.
9. Spread the coconut on the cake any way you like.
10. Then place the small candies in any pattern you like.
11. And last, put two pieces of licorice at the top of cake to make your antennae.
12. Voila! Your beautiful Butterfly Cake!