Who's Got the Quarter?
Sent in by: Julia of MA Hands down the coolest game ever. To play this game, you'll need a quarter, a table and some pals. Players split into two teams, Team 1 and Team 2. Teams stand on opposite sides of the table. Team 1 starts off with the quarter. They pass the quarter to each other under the table. Team 2 then has to guess which member of Team 1 is holding the coin. When they think they know, they say "Hands Up," and Team 1 balls their hands into fists and takes them out from under the table. Team 2 says, "Hands down. One, two, three," and Team 1 has to put their hands flat down on the table at the same time, being careful not to let Team 2 hear the coin drop! Now, Team 2 has to guess which member of Team 1 has the coin. If they guess correctly, they get the coin and a turn at hiding it. If they guess wrong, Team 1 keeps the coin. You can play as many rounds as you'd like! |
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