SETTING: The forest, with lots of trees and one giant acorn tree.
(All parts are spoken in Ubbi Dubbi except where it says "In English". Use the Ubbi Dubbi Translator to translate it.)
Narrator : (In English) Welcome to Ubbi Dubbi Fairy Tales. Once upon a time, there was a little chicken whose name was Chicken Little. One day, Chicken Little was walking through the woods. As she passed by the oak tree, an acorn fell on her head. She got REALLY scared. After all, she was a chicken...
( Chicken Little gets hit on the head with an acorn.)
Chicken Little: Help! Help! The sky is falling! I must go tell the king!
Narrator: (In English from off stage.) So she ran to tell the king. Along the way she met Henny Penny.
(Chicken Little runs off. Henny Penny enters scratching the ground, acting like a hen. Chicken Little enters and sees Henny Penny. )
Henny Penny: Where are you going, Chicken Little?
Chicken Little: Help, help! The sky is falling! The SKY is falling!
Henny Penny: How do you know?
Chicken Little: I saw it with my own eyes, heard it with my own ears, and part of it fell on my head!
Henny Penny: This is awful! We'd better go tell the king.
Narrator : (In English from off stage.) So they both ran to tell the king. Along the way, they met Ducky Lucky.
Ducky Lucky: Quack! Where are you going, Chicken Little and Henny Penny?
Chicken Little & Henny Penny: The sky is falling! The sky is falling! We're going to tell the king!
Ducky Lucky: How do you know?
Henny Penny: (Gestures to body parts as they say the following.) She saw it with her own eyes, heard it with her own ears...
Chicken Little: and part of it fell on my head!
Ducky Lucky: Oh no! Quack! We'd better go!
Narrator : (In English from off stage.) So they all ran down the road as fast as they could. Soon they met Goosey Loosey walking by the pond.
Goosey Loosey: Honk! Hello. Where are you going so fast?
Chicken Little: We're running to see the king!
Henny Penny: The sky is falling!
Ducky Lucky: Quack!
Goosey Loosey: How do you know the sky is falling?
Ducky Lucky: (Gesture to body parts as they say the following.) She saw it with her own eyes,
Henny Penny: heard it with her own ears,
Chicken Little: and part of it fell on my head!
Goosey Loosey: Jeez Louise! Then I'd better run with you.
Narrator : (In English from off stage.) So they ran as fast as they could until they met Foxy Loxy.
(Foxy Loxy is walking along.)
Foxy Loxy: Hey guys. Where are you all going?
Chicken Little, Henny Penny, Ducky Lucky, Goosey Loosey: Help! Help! The sky is falling, and we're running to tell the king!
Foxy Loxy: Whoa, whoa, whoa. How do you know the sky is falling?
Goosey Loosey : (Gesture to body parts as they say the following:) She saw it with her own eyes,
Ducky Lucky: heard it with her own ears,
Henny Penny: and part of it fell on her head!
Chicken Little: That's right!
Foxy Loxy: What? It fell on her head? Hold on, let's just get inside and calm down.
SETTING: The inside of Foxy Loxy's den with a window, TV, lamp & table.
Narrator : (In English from off stage.) So Foxy Loxy brought them all to his den to try to figure out what was going on.
Foxy Loxy: (Looking out window. ) Hmmm. Looks okay to me. Let's check the weather on TV.
(Foxy Loxy flips on the TV with his remote. They all gather around the television set.)
SETTING: The weather reporter, Kitten Mitten, is reporting LIVE from the oak tree. She has an umbrella.
Kitten Mitten: This is Kitten Mitten reporting LIVE from the Oak Tree. Today there was a rumor that the sky was falling. This is not true. There is no need for panic. The sky is not falling. Repeat: THE SKY IS NOT FALLING! This is Kitten Mitten from The Weather Show.
(Kitten Mitten is showered with acorns from the oak tree just as she's starting to fold up her umbrella.)
SETTING: Foxy Loxy's den with window, TV, lamp and table.
Chicken Little: See! The sky IS falling!
Foxy Loxy: No, silly, those are acorns!
Goosey Loosey: Acorns?
Ducky Lucky: Acorns?
Henny Penny: Acorns!
All: Chicken Little!
Chicken Little: Zoops.
Narrator : (In English from off stage.)
SETTING: Foxy Loxy's den where now they are eating bowls of creamed acorn, acorn muffins, acorn pie and having a grand old time.
After they found out the real story, they went out and gathered acorns for a yummy dinner of acorn soup, acorn muffins, with acorn pie for dessert. And Chicken Little was never hit with falling "sky" again.