SETTING: Inside a castle. Different crowns rest on a sign in the background that says, "Act One." For this play, all you need are two actors and a narrator. But, each actor plays more than one part! To switch parts, actors switch crowns or hats. Except for Narrator, all parts are said in a sing-song voice, like an opera.
Jessica-Narrator: Ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for joining us for a night at the opera. This evening's performance is entitled, "I've Come To Marry The Princess" or "How To Make A Royal Mess."
(Zoe puts on Prince Crown to become Prince.)
Zoe-Prince: I've come to marry the Princess.
(Ray puts on Guard hat to become Guard.)
Ray-Guard: I'll have to ask the King!
(Zoe-Prince puts on King crown to become King and is standing on other side of Guard.)
Ray-Guard: Someone's here to marry the Princess!
Zoe-King: I'll have to ask the Queen!
(Ray-Guard puts on Queen crown to become Queen.)
Zoe-King: Someone's here to marry our daughter!
Ray-Queen: I'll have to ask her!
(Zoe-King puts on Princess crown to become Princess.)
Ray-Queen: Someone's here to marry you!
Zoe-Princess: No-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no!
(Zoe-Princess puts on King crown to become King.)
Ray-Queen: (To the King.) No-no-nonono!
(Ray-Queen puts on Guard hat crown to become Guard.)
Zoe-King: (To Guard.) No-no-nonono!
(Zoe-King puts on Prince crown to become Prince.)
Ray-Guard: (To Prince.) No-no-nonono!
Zoe-Prince: Off to the dungeon!
(Zoe-Prince takes Ray-Guard off to the dungeon.)
Zoe-Prince: (To King.) I've come to marry the Princess!
(Zoe-Prince puts on King crown to become King. Switches sides.)
Zoe-King: I'll have to ask the Queen!
Zoe-King: Someone's here to marry our Princess!
(Ray-Guard puts on Queen crown to become Queen.)
Ray-Queen: I'll have to ask her!
Ray-Queen: Someone's here to marry you!
(Zoe-King puts on Princess crown to become Princess.)
Zoe-Princess: No-no-nonono!
(Zoe-Princess puts on Queen crown to become Queen.)
Zoe-Queen: (To King.) No-no-nonono!
(Zoe-Queen puts on King crown to become King.)
Zoe-King: (To Prince.) No-no-nonono!
(Zoe-King puts on Prince crown to become Prince and switches sides.)
Zoe-Prince: Off to the dungeon!
(Zoe-Prince puts on King crown to become King and switches sides.) (Zoe-Prince takes Zoe-King (herself) off to dungeon. Prince comes back.)
Zoe-Prince: I've come to marry the Princess!
Ray-Queen: I'll have to ask her!
Ray-Queen: Someone's here to marry you!
(Zoe-Prince puts on Princess crown to become Princess.)
Zoe-Princess: No-no-nonono!
Ray-Queen: (To Prince.) No-no-nonono!
(Zoe-Princess puts on Prince crown to become Prince.)
Zoe-Prince: Off to the dungeon!
Zoe-Prince: (To Princess.) I've come to marry you!
(Zoe-Prince puts on Princess crown to become Princess and changes sides.)
Zoe-Princess: NO-NO-NONONO!
Zoe-Princess: Off to the dungeon!
(Zoe-Princess takes Zoe-Prince (herself) off to the dungeon.)
Zoe-Princess: (Speaking) Alone at last!