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Lost and Found Sheep

By Erin of Cambridge, OH

Little Bo Peep
Little Boy Blue
Red Riding Hood
Humpty Dumpty
Rex and Fifi (Sheep)
Stack of hay;trumpet;tree in forest;goodie basket;Humpty Dumpty's wall;stadium horn (can be pantomimed);sign with "The End" written on it;Costumes: Face make-up for Sheep, red cape with hood for Little Red Riding Hood. Young looking clothes for Little Bo Peep and Little Boy Blue. For Humpty Dumpty's costume be as creative as you want. Think of ways to make him look like an egg.

SETTING: Outdoors.

Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep and doesn't know where to find them.

Little Bo Peep:
Here FiFi! Here Rex! Oh, I don't know where to find you!

She looked for them every which way, until she stumbled upon Little Boy Blue's stack of hay.

(Little Bo Peep trips over the stack of hay.)

Little Bo Peep:
Hey Little Boy Blue, wake up!

(Little Boy Blue wakes with a start.)

Little Bo Peep:
My sheep are in your meadow, the cows are in the corn, Little Boy Blue PLEASE blow your horn!

Little Boy Blue:
Yes Ma'am!

(Little Boy Blue plays a jazzy tune on his horn.)

But instead of coming to the call of the horn like they should, the sheep ran off into the woods.

(Sheep do so.)

Little Bo Peep:
Hey, sheep! Wait up!

(Little Bo Peep runs off into the woods where she bumps into Little Red Riding Hood.)

Little Bo Peep:
Oh, hello. Have you seen my sheep? I'm Little Bo Peep, and I don't know where to find them!

Red Riding Hood:
Yes, yes. I know. We met once upon a time.

Little Bo Peep:
Can you help me?

Little Red Riding Hood:
Wish I could but I have to get to Grandma's house, deliver these goodies and take care of her, she's sick you know.

Little Bo Peep:
Are you sure you can't help me?

Little Red Riding Hood:
Well, when you really think about could I? I'm not allowed to talk to strangers.

(Little Red Riding Hood exits.)

Little Bo Peep:
But I'm not a stranger, remember we met once upon a time, Little Red?

Although Little Bo Peep couldn't find her sheep, she soon came across Humpty Dumpty's wall.

Humpty Dumpty:
Hello dear little girl! Come here and sit with me on my wall! I tell you it's quite fun!

Little Bo Peep:
I'd love to, but I can't. You see, I have to find my sheep! Did you see them come by here?

Humpty Dumpty:
Well, I'm not sure if I've seen any...Whoa!

(Humpty Dumpty falls off his wall.)

Little Bo Peep:
Goodness gracious! Are you alright?

Humpty Dumpty:
Ohhhhh! (Groaning) All the King's horses and all the King's men are on vacation this week! Little Bo Peep, you have to help me put myself back together again.

Little Bo Peep:
ME?! Well, okay. I'll try my best.

Little Bo Peep did so much better than the King's horses and his men. She put Humpty Dumpty together again!

Little Bo Peep:
There! All done!

Humpty Dumpty:
Thank you ever so much! How can I ever repay you?

Little Bo Peep:
If you would tell me which way my sheep went, then that would be payment enough.

Humpty Dumpty:
I believe that they went in the direction of your house.

Little Bo Peep:
Thank you, Humpty.

(Little Bo Peep, once again, is on her way.)

But when Little Bo Peep finally got there, all she could do was stand and stare.

Little Bo Peep:
Oh no! My sheep aren't here! What should I do?!

Little Bo Peep gave a big sigh.

(Little Bo Peep does so.)

And then she sat down and began to cry.

(Little Bo Peep does so.)

And as her first tear fell to the ground, she heard a faint sheep-like sound.


(Little Bo Peep raises her head.)

Little Bo Peep:
Rex? FiFi? Is that you?

(Sheep enter.)

Little Bo Peep:
Oh, Rex! (Baaa...) Oh, FiFi! (Baaa...) I looked EVERYWHERE for you! And all the time, I just had to let you come home by yourselves! Come here you guys! Big woolly hug!


We missed you!

So Little Bo Peep's sheep finally came home. Let the lesson she learned to all be known. If ever you lose your sheep, as did Little Bo Peep, just leave them alone, and they'll come home, wagging their tails behind them.

(Sheep's tails wag, and a "The End" sign comes up in front of their tails.)



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