SETTING: 2 separate living rooms, one on each side of the stage. Callers on opposite side of stage from Person waiting for call to give sense of being in different place.
Person waiting for the call: (Speaking aloud to herself reading newspaper that says "President Finds Shoe") I can't believe the President is calling to congratulateme for finding her lucky shoe.
(Phone rings. Person waiting for the call goes to answer it.) Maybe that's her now. Hello.
Caller number 1: Hello, Eddie darling. Are you going to pick me up? It's eight o'clock!
Person waiting for the call: I'm sorry, there's no Eddie here. You have the wrong number.
(Hangs up phone. Phone rings again.)
Person waiting for the call: (Picking up phone.) Hello?
Caller number 2: Hi, how's the old ranch Eddie?
Person waiting for the call: Uh, sorry but there's no Eddie here. You must have the wrong number.
(Hangs up. Phone rings again.)
Person waiting for the call: (Picking up phone.) Hello?
Caller number 3: Hello Eddie. Please come pick me up right away! I have an important meeting to go to!
Person waiting for the call: Sorry, but you definitely have the wrong number!
(Hangs up phone. Phone rings again.)
Person waiting for the call: Hello?
Caller number 4: Bonjour Eddie! Comment vas tu?
Person waiting for the call: Sorry, there's no Eddie here!
(Hangs up phone. Phone rings again.)
Person waiting for the call: Hello?
Caller number 5: Hello is Eddie there? Can you come over to my house and play? My dad just built this great treehouse!
Person waiting for the call: Listen, for the last time, there's NO EDDIE here!
(Hangs up phone. Phone rings again.)
Person waiting for the call: Hello?
Caller number 6: Hi, this is Eddie. Any calls for me?
Person waiting for the call: (Person waiting for the call moans and shakes her head in disbelief.) |