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Stone Soup: A Puppet Show

By The ZOOMers

Owl (Narrator)
Blue Jay
Puppets -- owl, fox, bear, rabbit, porcupine, blue jay, skunk. Check out the ZOOMdo Hand Puppets to learn how to make the puppets for this puppet show. You will also need some other props: paper fish, carrots, onions, cabbage, mushrooms, stones, cauldron, a big spoon.Set: Use a table for the puppet theater and make scenery out of cardboard.

SETTING: The forest.

Once there was a fox who was very, very hungry. He trudged through the forest with his stomach growling.

(Fox enters, looking hungry.)

I'm SO hungry! I have to find a good meal tonight, no matter what.

But the fox wasn't from this forest, and didn't know where to find the best food. So he set off through the forest, determined to beg or borrow his meal. Little did he know that the animals in this forest were very distrustful of strangers.

(Bear enters, carrying fish.)

Suddenly he came upon a bear, who was strolling along with some fresh fish for her dinner.

(Looking as hungry as he can.)

Well hello, my big and strong friend. Surely you must have some extra food to spare for a tired fox like me.

(Hiding fish behind her back.)

Not I! I have too many bear cubs to feed.

(Bear exits.)

And she ambled past without looking back.

(Rabbit enters, carrying carrots.)

The fox crept on, and soon met a rabbit.

Well hello, my furry little friend. Surely you must have some extra carrots hiding behind those long ears.

(Quickly munching down last carrot.)

Not I! I . . . lost all of my carrots along the way.

(Rabbit hops away.)

And she quickly hopped away. The fox was getting frustrated, but he kept on. Before long, he saw a group of animals, deep in conversation. Surely one of them would have some food.

(Skunk, Blue Jay, and Porcupine enter and stand talking with one another.)

Well hello, my forest friends. Surely you have some food to spare for a tired soul.

(Skunk, Blue Jay, and Porcupine look at each other.)

Who is he?

Blue Jay:
(To the Fox.)

Not us!

We haven't even had our lunch today.

Skunk, Blue Jay, Porcupine:

The fox was getting no closer to dinner. So he quickly came up with a sly plan.

Well, that's too bad. I guess I'll just have to make my . . . stone soup.

Stone soup?

How do you make that?

Blue Jay:
Stone soup? Is it possible?

Of course! Just watch. All I need is a big pot, some stones, and some water. Plus a fire to cook over.

Blue Jay:
Well, this will be a sight to see! I'll fly over the forest and have our friends bring everything you need!

(Blue Jay exits, arms spread to fly. Blue Jay returns, and all other animals follow.)

So the blue jay flew away, and before the fox knew it, all of the animals had started a pot to boil and gathered a pile of stones. The fox put the stones in the pot and began to stir.

This is perfect. These stones will make delicious soup. Though if I had some fish, it would be even better. But I know there isn't any fish handy.

I can help there!

(Leaves and returns with fish.)

(Putting fish into soup.)

A good stone soup like this should have some tasty carrots, too. But, I know there aren't any here.

I think I can find a few somewhere.

(She leaves and returns with carrots.)

With a few onions, cabbages, and bits of mushroom, this stone soup would be fit for a king.

Skunk, Blue Jay, AND Porcupine:
Well, we can help there!

(They leave quickly and bring items back.)

At last, the soup is ready. Everyone will get a taste.

And the animals gathered around to eat the delicious soup.

This is delicious! Yum! Who knew stone soup could be so delicious? Etc.

The animals ate and laughed and ate some more. It was a feast they would not soon forget. And from that day forward, they shared willingly with all strangers to their forest land. After all, if they ran out of food, they could always make . . .

Stone Soup!


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