SETTING: Inside brick house belonging to Pig number 3. This play can be performed in English or Ubbi Dubbi. Use the Ubbi Dubbi Translator to translate it.
(Narrator in the foreground has a large book in front of her titled "UbbiDubbi Fairy Tales".)
Narrator: Welcome to another edition of Ubbi Dubbi Fairy Tales. In our last episode the big, bad Wolf huffed and puffed and blew down the house of straw. Then the big bad Wolf huffed and puffed and blew down the house of sticks. What will happen next?
(We find our Three Little Pigs sitting around a table politely sipping on tea and playing "Go Fish" with a deck of cards. The Wolf is waiting outside the door of the house.) (Wolf rhythmically knocks on the door.)
Pigs: (Innocently.) Who is it?
Wolf: It's me! The Big Bad Wolf!!!
Pigs: (Fearfully.) Oh no!
(Pig number 1 and Pig number 2 throw their cards in the air and hide under the table.)
Wolf: (Angrily.) Little Pigs! Little Pigs! Let me in!
Pigs: Not by the hairs of our chinny chin chins!
Wolf: (Even more angrily.) Then I'll huff...
(Huffs.) ...and I'll puff...
(Puffs.) ...and I'll blow your house in!
(Wolf blows with all his might while the Pigs continue to act fearful, but nothing happens to their house.)
Wolf: (Less angry.) Let me try that one more time.
(Huffs.) ...and I'll puff...
(Puffs.) ...and I'll blow your house in!
(The Pigs recognize that their house did not get blown down, they giggle, go back to sitting in their chairs and start to drink their tea. Wolf looks frustrated and sad.)
Wolf: But I'm alone. All alone!
(Wolf cries loudly.) And I have no friends!
Pigs: No friends?
Wolf: No friends!
Pigs: Piggy Huddle!
(Pigs huddle as they decide on a plan. In agreement they walk to the door and open it while the Wolf cries.)
Pigs: (Pigs throw their arms out to the Wolf and shout...) Friend!
Wolf: (Dubiously.) Friends?
Pigs: (Assertively and with a group hug.) Friends!!!
(Pigs escort the Wolf into their house. Pigs sit Wolf down and pour him tea and take out a big bucket marked "Slop" on it.)
Pigs: Slop?
Wolf: Why, yes!
(Pigs put a napkin around Wolf's neck and serve him.)
Narrator: And so the Big Bad Wolf finally found new friends.
Pigs: More slop?
Wolf: Thanks, friends!
Narrator: Stay tuned soon for another edition of Ubbi Dubbi Fairy Tales.