your results
Sent in by: Eric of Tinley Park, IL
A bendy straw can make any balloon spin.
- balloons
- bendy straws
- rubber bands
- scissors
- First, cut about two inches off the bottom of the bendy straw.
- Next, blow up a balloon. Put the opening of the balloon around the bottom of the straw. Hold onto the balloon and straw so that you don't let any air out.
- While holding the balloon and straw, wrap a rubber band around the balloon so that the balloon stays in place.
- Then, bend the top of the straw, put the balloon on the table, let it go, and watch what happens.
In order for the air to get out of the balloon, the air has to turn the corner in the bendy straw. When the air turns the corner, it pushes on the straw and the straw pushes back on the air. The straw then pushes on the balloon and look what happens to the balloon. What do you think will happen if you change the direction that the straw points? Experiment, then send your results to ZOOM!

Curtis, age 11 of Lewiston, ME wrote:
I put a string through the straw and taped the string to the white board where I had drawn a bull's eye. I blew up the balloon and taped it to the straw. When I let go of the balloon, it shot accross the room. I did this twice and it worked both times. It went about 14 feet.
Isaiah, age 9 of Malone, NY wrote:
The balloon was hard to blow up, it hurt my cheeks. when I let it go it spin in a circle really fast and as it got smaller it moved faster. When I changed the direction of the straw it went in the opposite direction.
Ashley, age 12 of Brainerd, MN wrote:
It didn't pop! it acaully didn't pop!!!
Sam, age 6 of Canton, GA wrote:
it spins in the air all crazy.
Kierra, age 8 of NS wrote:
when I did it it was awesome!
Bailey, age 8 of MD wrote:
The balloons went flying! We had contests to see who could get there ballon the farthest. Lots of fun for all.
Asia, age 14 of Denver, CO wrote:
I tried Balloon and straw in a science fair.
Tionna, age 12 of East Chicago, IN wrote:
It went a little wild but it was great. Thanks for the Science Fair Project.
Mae, age 14 of Oakland, CA wrote:
It spun like a toy race car on the floor.
Joseph, age 7 of Enfield, NS wrote:
It rolled everywhere. It even went right off the table.
Anna, age 15 of Canton, GA wrote:
i was amazed! it was so cool!
Matt of Milford, PA wrote:
All of my students really enjoyed this one! We had races including a championship!!!
Zoe, age 7 of Lethbrige, AB wrote:
the balloon wint smaller
Joe, age 10 of West Unity, OH wrote:
I had a red balloon and I made a paper target and I put glue on the end of the balloon and I shoot the balloon at the target and the target had a pin on the end and when it got there it poped and stuck to the target it was cool.
Jemia, age 8 of Chicago, IL wrote:
the straw had made the balloon pop and made me sceam!!!
Niha, age 6 of Seattle wrote:
The balloon popped! And the straw flew!
Emily, age 11 of Toronto wrote:
it spun crazy lol
Shelby, age 10 of Phoenix, AZ wrote:
The balloon popped
ZOOM Fan of Los Angeles, CA wrote:
when I did it the started to spin out of control in circles it waz kool and weird at the same tym. but im still kinda lost of y thiz iz supposed to be kool
Liz, age 11 of New Mexico wrote:
The balloon made the straw spin!!!
Kaitlyn, age 8 of Regina wrote:
I put the straw in the balloon and I blewup the balloon and It evapterated
Ces, age 12 of Phillippines wrote:
Its amazing I got a perfect score at my science project
Asuka, age 8 of Suzhou wrote:
It was crazy but it was cool too!
ZOOM Fan, age 11 of Miami wrote:
it spun on the floor and it was keep going until the balloon went out and I am the game
Charles, age 11 wrote:
it spun and spun
Jacey, age 13 of Concord, NH wrote:
I had to make a Newton Scooter using Newtons third law of motion for my science project ( it had to move straight 1. 5 meters) So instead of using a bendy straw I used a regular straw. It worked!!! It moved over 1. 5 meters!!!
Deshae, age 9 of Dayton, OH wrote:
i blue up a bolloon and put the straw on top andtied it up how did you do yours
Jeremiah, age 8 of Kansas City, MO wrote:
It goes to the other Chair.
Drew, age 10 of Taos, NM wrote:
Mine didnt work. the straw got kinda squashed.
Camille, age 4 of Newark, NJ wrote:
It moved and when u dont blow in the straw it keeps going.